


This site was inspired by my Mom's autoimmune dementia.

It is a place where we separate out the wheat from the chaffe, the important articles & videos from each week's river of news. With a new post on Alzheimer's or dementia appearing on the internet every 7 minutes, the site's focus on the best information has been a help to many over the past 6 years. Thanks to our many subscribers for your supportive feedback.

The site is dedicated to all those preserving the dignity of the community of people living with dementia.

Peter Berger, Editor


The names of the pages on this site are very long. For quicker typing, here are shorthand addresses:
  • AlzWeek.com (for the Home page of AlzheimersWeekly.com).
  • Eat2think.com (for the "Brain-Healthy Food" page, www.Eat2think.com).

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Leave your message in the Comment box below.

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Alzheimer's Weekly LLC is solely responsible for the information and opinions published on the news portions of this website, except for User Generated Content. No payment or other consideration has been received from any company, product or person mentioned in our editorial content in connection with inclusion in our editorial content. The company makes its revenue chiefly by advertising. Some products advertised on our site may occasionally be mentioned in our editorial articles, but no compensation is received for such mention and the decision to include any product references are made independent of our advertising.

Comment or Share:

  1. Your site is wonderful. I often wonder who is behind most ALZ stories, and many times it turns out to be drug companies or care facilities. THank you! In return I want to share something sweet.
    My daughter was born the same time that my mom was diagnosed and we have been on this Alzheimer's journey together and through all of it's crazy stages. She just wrote and recorded a song about her and my friend cut together some video. I think it shows the importance of loving the person for who they are at that moment. I hope you take the time to watch, because we are listening to all that you do to help us make it through these days. Thank you. This is the youtube link.

    1. Wonderful video! Please cut and paste the link into your browser. Such a great way to share and remember that special bond between grandmother and granddaughter. Thanks for sharing.

    2. Hello,

      I lead XpertDox business development, a self-help navigation resource for rare disease diagnosed persons.

      Currently we seek leading bloggers for lewy body dementia and related forms of dementia.

      We seek community feedback to build out our platform.

      Warmest regards,

      Troy Martin
      Business Development | XpertDox

      +1 202 697 9908

    3. what a heartfelt song.. this little girl in my eyes is such a strong person. so young to have put a masterpiece into a song.. cant wait to hear more from her xxx beautiful

  2. Good afternoon,

    I’m Kristin Palardy, with Rescue Alert of California. I’ve seen all the great content you offer your readers, and know that you have the well-being and care of seniors and caregivers at the forefront of what you do. At Rescue Alert of California, we believe that our biggest offering to our viewers is information – information about how to improve the lives of senior citizens that can benefit both seniors and their caregivers.
    We would love to have a guest blog post from you on our website. I believe that our visitors would greatly benefit from and enjoy the content that you would provide. They will also be able to follow the post to your own website, and check out all the other posts that you have. We also have a great amount of information on our blog, and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to share a post on your site.
    If you would be interested, please let me know, and we can set that up very easily. If you have any questions, please let me know.
    Thank you, I hope to hear from you soon.
    Our Website:

    1. Alice Samek BenoitTue Aug 25, 06:18:00 PM EDT

      So sad, but anyone who has looked after a loved one with dementia will know how hard it is physically and mentally. My heart goes out to anyone/everyone affected by Alzheimer/Dementia. A huge shout out to any caregiver doing this alone! I feel your journey. I feel your pain because I've been there. My mom was also diagnosed in her 60s. Feeling absolutely shattered, heartbroken and drained , working with different physicians across the country with little or no improvement. I was exhausted and overwhelmed to look any further. Crying a lot through frustration, anger and despair, But today with the help of Homeocure Worldwide Natural Medicine, my mother is completely healthy and well again. I think we only need more support and sunlight to overcome this dreadful disease. Search for support regardless and don't stop until you get it. With Homeocure Worldwide treatment, there is hope, don't give up! Check out his blog for useful info️; homeocureworldwide.blogspot.com

  3. Hello,

    We are offering a wonderful class for caregivers of people with dementia. Mindfulness-Based Dementia Care starts 2/7 at UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine in San Francisco:

  4. I am a 16 year old sophomore at Boston University who is dedicating his life to help Alzheimer’s patients and their caregivers. In 2008, I founded PuzzlesToRemember, which, by now, has distributed over 19,300 puzzles to Alzheimer’s facilities around the world. I also volunteer 20 hours a week in an Alzheimer’s research lab.
    I recently learned that I am the recipient of a $1000 grant from KidsWhoGive, which is a philanthropic program run by Farm Rich Products. I will be donating these funds to the Molecular Psychiatry and Aging Lab at BUSM.
    Donating consumer goods like puzzles is helpful, but the knowledge created from research can have a much wider and longer lasting impact on society. There are 5.8 Alzheimer's patients in this country alone, with a new patient being diagnosed every 58 seconds.
    I recently learned that KidsWhoGive having a “run off” competition between the nine students they have chosen throughout 2012. These students are being voted on by the general public. The winner will receive $10,000 for their “cause” I would really like the opportunity to provide $10,000 for research at Boston University Alzheimer’s Disease Center.
    Please vote here every day until Feb 5 and help me bring this money to research. Just click on the word “vote”
    This is a wonderful opportunity for people to donate for Alzheimer’s research without it costing them anything. Please share this information with your colleagues, post on your facebook page, your blog and publicize anywhere else in order to get as many votes as possible. It could make all the difference!

    1. Max,
      Thank you so much for helping every person with Alzheimer's and different kind of Dementia. I used to work at Newton Wellesley Center for Alzheimer's Care and I was so happy and thankful when you donated all puzzles to our residents. Recently, I am a memory care director at Brooksby Village in Peoabody ma so I am wondering if we can reach out to you to get puzzles for our residents. I miss my voiting time period but I support you 100%. Thank you for what you:)

  5. Good morning,
    My name is William Hamilton. I would like to request that you review:http://www.rememberpeople.com/articles . Remember People would like to create a quest blog opportunity and backlink with your wonderful site. Remember People is a new innovative patent pending site that was created to aid people in recording and sending their memories to loved ones in the future.
    Thank you for your consideration
    William Hamilton

  6. My mother past away almost two years ago. I have written a small book (40 pages) focusing only her sweet and funny moments. I wonder if it would be appropriate for your site. It is Chrissy's Moments and is on Amazon.

    Judy Dearing

  7. I was an Alzheimer's caregiver to my dear friend for 14 years. Later when I had the courage I wrote the book, "Just a Word" letting others read what it's like to be a caregiver, and what the patient goes through in this horrific disease. I'd like to see it on your site if possible. Thank you.

  8. We have been promoting our community as one with love and compassion. We think the photo referenced below is great! Could we get permission to use it in advertising?


  9. Hi,

    I have a quick question for you regarding your blog, but I couldn't find your contact information. Do you think you could send me an email whenever you get a chance?




  10. Anavex finally got funding for stage 2 trials! http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/anavex-raises-26-million-in-private-placement-and-conversion-of-liabilities-enters-into-10-million-financing-commitment-and-appoints-ceo-214590271.html

  11. Hi. I am a 17 year old college junior, Alzheimer's researcher, and Alzheimer's advocate. I'd like to share that this week, the book I coauthored explaining Alzheimer's disease to children became available on Amazon. 50 percent of the profits from this book will go to Alzheimer's causes. I think this book could help a lot of children and families.

    Here is a link to a review of the book:

  12. my son shot this with his grandad it's for anyone with 4 minutes to spare...


  13. My name is Yang and I'm a photographer. My home is in Shanghai, China but I'm living in London for a month. My grandma back home has Alzheimer's disease. I've made a documentary project on her and our struggle to cope with her loss of memory as a family. Here's a link. http://zyfotos.viewbook.com/album/bridge-back-home?p=1#1

    Here in London I'm part of a photography mentoring project organized by Young Photographers Alliance. We are required to make photo stories on the topic of Escape. I really want to do a story on Alzheimer's disease here, whether with family who copes with it well or with care homes with good ways to take care of them. I wonder if anyone here are willing to be part of the story. If anyone is interested, please contact me at zyfotos@gmail.com Thanks a lot!

  14. Hi there,

    Hi Webmaster,

    While researching health blogs I saw your blog post 'Slow-rate Sleep halts Alzheimer's Build-Up In The Brain' which provides readers with a lot of helpful advice. I really enjoyed it as it offers so many tips and ideas how to keep your healthy and obviously sleep plays an important role. Not enough sleep can even lead to migraines. Again, great post - thank you for sharing.

    I would like to contribute and maybe write a guest post for your blog with a leading nutrition specialist. We are trying to increase Migraine and Alzheimer awareness on the occasion of the Migraine Awareness Week (1st September to 7th September 2013) and the World Alzheimer's Day (21st September 2013).

    How do you feel about working with publishing partners in this area of expertise?

    I look forward to hearing from you soon. My email address is ihunkeler@blueglass.co.uk.

    Warm regards,
    Irma Hunkeler

  15. Hello,

    Your article "Solanezumab May Become The 1st Alzheimer's-Modifying Treatment" was really interesting! More research for disabling disorders like Alzheimer's is key to early detection. I personally believe raising awareness for disabling disorders like Alzheimer's is the pathway for more research opportunities. Research opportunities can shed more light on diseases related to Alzheimer's. Have you heard of mitochondrial disease? Defects in the mitochondria are attributed to a wide spectrum of diseases like Alzheimer's (http://mitochondrialdiseases.org/alzheimers/).

    I work as an intern for the Foundation of Mitochondrial Medicine. The Foundation for Mitochondrial Medicine is dedicated to spreading awareness for mitochondrial disease. I would be interested in connecting with your website in a way that would be mutually beneficial. The organization I work for has articles that would be relevant to your audience, we would love to share the content you post here at Alzheimer's Weekly.

    Feel free to contact me at anc19@live.com.

    Thank you for your time,

    Amanda C

  16. Hello,
    I love the variety of all of the replies to your articles. Very interesting.
    I wanted to share a new tool for caregivers. As a memory care director, I learned the value of using music to stimulate as well as entertain. I designed LifeSongs recordable memory books that are used to tell a person's life story through photos and meaningful music. It is a 12 page oversized book where your create photo collages for 12 chapters of a person's life. Then you choose and record 12 songs that have meaning to the person with dementia.
    LifeSongs is then used to reminisce, distract and even calm negative behaviors. It is great for caregivers to have a focus for communication even when the person can no longer speak.
    Please visit www.LifeSongs.info to learn more about the magic of music & memory.
    Suzanne Lyon

  17. Are you looking for high-quality guest posts on natural health topics related to brain health?

    My guest posts have been published on popular sites like Pick the Brain, Lifehacker, and Natural News.

    Here are examples of three of my more popular guest posts which combined had over 23,000 Facebook likes.

    The Seedy Truth About Healthy Vegetable Oils at NaturalNews.com

    How to Trick Your Brain to Create a New Healthy Habit at Lifehacker.com

    Is Your Olive Oil Lying About Its Virginity? at EatLocalGrown.com

    I hold a bachelor's degree in biology from University of South Florida and am co-founder of BeBrainFit.com. You'll find many more examples of my writing at this site.

    If you think my writing could provide value to your readers, let's discuss how we could work together.

    Best wishes, Deane Alban

  18. Dear Alzheimer's Weekly,

    I was wondering if you could connect with me via email or a contact number?

    We're a New York based company who specialise in personally interviewing family members to preserve their legacy and spread their personal stories to future generations with a video memoir. You can find examples and more on what we do on our website:


    We would be really interested to working closely with Alzheimers and Dementia patients as we've found that family members of those suffering would want to have their loved ones tell their life story through video, capturing them before they degenerate in order to share with the next generation.

    The interviews are led by Ellen Fisher Turk, documentary producer and photographer who has worked with women and children therapeutically for the past 30 years.

    We're looking forward to hearing back,


    Living Legacy Pictures


  19. Hello Alzheimer's Weekly Team!

    My name is Christiane and I'm from the University of Tasmania.

    I am writing to tell you we have just launched our Understanding Dementia Free Online Course! I thought you might want to share this fantastic resource with your audience, or even participate yourself. Registrations are limited.

    You can register and find more info here: http://www.utas.edu.au/wicking/understanding-dementia

    If you have any questions, contact me at Christiane.king@utas.edu.au.

    Warm regards,

  20. So many great comments and suggestions! As a professional memory care director I used music in many of the sensory activities for my Alzheimer's residents. I then designed a book called LifeSongs. It is like a photo album where you tell a person's life story in picture collages on 12 pages. Then you record a meaningful or favorite song for each page. The music really helps to trigger lost memories. It can both stimulate and calm a person. I'd like to sell LifeSongs on your website. Please visit www.LifeSongs.info. They are very reasonably priced and unique. My email is suelyon56@gmail.com. Thank you, Suzanne


    1. Can you please clarify your question? Are you unable to find the video, or do you find it, and then cannot see the video when it plays?

  22. The Compute Against Alzheimer’s Disease (CAAD) research initiative will accelerate investigations into the causes and risks of Alzheimer’s Disease through accessing computer power donated by concerned citizens and organizations.



  23. Dear Dementia Weekly

    My name is Michele DeSocio and I am administrator for the group Memory People , a support and dementia awareness group on Facebook founded by Rick Phelps I see you recently featured his book While I Still Can. Thank you.
    We have just launched our Memory People™ Faces of Dementia Online Quilt, right here on Facebook.
    Please take a look and consider sharing. These are our loved ones, Our spouses, children, parents , grandparents , family and friends. We are the faces of dementia. We want to give hope and spread awareness please join us. The results are staggering

    This is the link to view the quilt


    This online quilt, sponsored by Memory People™, is for anyone who has been or is currently touched in any way by dementia, whether they are a member here or not.
    Patients, caregivers, those we have lost to dementia, healthcare workers, families, health professionals... they are all faces of dementia. And we want to honor them all with this virtual quilt.

    The Faces of Dementia quilt is set up in an open group here on Facebook. You can click on this link to see it. We will not be adding members to this group, it is just to view the Quilt. https://www.facebook.com/groups/224203377775056/

    If you would like to create a virtual quilt square to be added to the Faces of Dementia quilt, please send a Facebook message to Michele Tabat DeSocio. She will give you the instructions and you will be able to preview your square before we add it to the quilt.
    The Faces of Dementia quilt was created on November 7th, 2013 to bring honor and awareness to this epidemic of dementia and all those affected. Many have lovingly invested countless hours in it's creation.
    Please feel free to share this group link on your own Facebook page, and anywhere on the internet. Awareness!

    Thank you for your consideration

  24. My wife has Alzheimer's. We are about to fulfill her lifelong dream of completing the Triple Crown for long distance backpacking by hiking the 2669 mile Pacific Crest Trail. This is part of a Hope for Alzheimer's cause centered around exercise for brain health research. I invite your readers to help us spread "Hope for Alzheimers." See how at:


  25. Hi, Alzheimer's Weekly,
    I just wanted you to be aware of Dementia Mentors.
    Dementia Mentors is about helping newly diagnosed patients understand their lives aren’t over.
    Imagine receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia. Few things would be as frightening; few things would elicit such a strong sense of being alone.
    Those involved in this project know firsthand how frightening it is to hear the words, “You have dementia.” For this is an international coalition of people living well with dementia.
    This is a website created by dementia patients, for dementia patients. That means simple navigation, pleasing to the eyes, clear, and concise presentation. Someone having problems reading the text can simply click a button to hear the passage read aloud.
    Dementia Mentors is now up and running and we’re already scheduling mentoring session to help those who are living with dementia. As said, our goal is to help the newly diagnosed get and stay on track right from the beginning. Come check out the new website and please share. Thank you.

  26. I've been working very hard to formulate a natural supplement backed with real science to help sufferers with Alzheimer's and dementia. And my company in the United States has finally released it!

    Rather than go through Google, I thought it would be better for you (and maybe for me too) if I could advertise directly on your site. I could pay you per click for a banner or I could give you a revenue share of the sale price.

    It's an important message of hope I have for the 5 million plus Alzheimer's sufferers and their 15.5 million carers.

    Let me know if you're open ok?

  27. To the admin,


    I come across your website and I find it quite impressive. I am hoping that you will give us an opportunity to contribute to your website.

    I am a Marketing Representative of Relink Device. Relink is a device which aimed to help people with Alzheimer's cope up with loneliness. It is a tool provider which equip Alzheimer's patients with life altering assistance.

    We've written "Finding Support as a Caregiver" and I wish to give it to you, however you don't have any attachment button. If you are interested send us a message at the given email address and we will attach the article for you. We believe that this post will be a lot of help to all the caregivers out there. Hence, we are asking your permission to post it as one of your blog post.

    If you grant our request, we hope that you will also include a link to our website http://relinkdevice.com/ inside the blog post.

    Thank you and we hope to hear from you soon!

    Cliff Hazel Santos
    Marketing Representative

  28. Your site is a wonderful resource for families seeking help with Alzheimer's. I am part of a family-owned company that creates memory DVD's. We combine photographs and videos into a slideshow presentation to preserve a person's memories. Often, we include captions or sound files to tell the story behind the pictures. This is the perfect way to capture memories that will be gone to soon and to spark memories in patients. Our website is www.yourstory-productions.com and we'd love to be a part of your website if you are interested.
    Thank You,
    Heather Faust

  29. Your information is truly valuable on many levels. We here at Suwannee Bell Residence & Wellness Center offer dementia care 24/7. Check us out at: http://www.suwanneebell.com

  30. A brand new product that I just saw listed on Amazon which would be helpful for seniors in general, or elderly people who become disoriented when waking up in middle of the night is the 'Senior Care Night Light Bedside Surface Tray'.

    Another interesting & unique product that I found on Amazon is the Memory Loss One Button Radio'.

    Thank you you being there for all of us who care for loved ones with Dementia and Alzheimer's.

  31. It's bad enough that you keep pushing coconut oil (I agree wholeheartedly with John Schappi) but for you to be advertising, and clearly hoping to profit from, a book as outrageously fraudulent as "Awakening From Alzheimer's: How 9 Maverick Doctors are Improving Alzheimers" is beyond appalling.

    You're losing all credibility.

    For shame.

    1. The book has been removed, sorry it slipped through. Thanks for pointing it out so quickly. All the best!

  32. Hi,

    My name is Brett Ari Fischer and I started The AllPie Alzheimer's Challenge to help raise $18 million for the Alzheimer's Association. I was hoping you could help me to promote this. Below is a link to the video and you can go to AllPieALZ.com to find out more information and for contact information.

    Thank you,


  33. Hi Peter. We love what you are doing with the blog! Would you please connect with me over email to discuss? You may reach me at corriep (at) teepasnow.com.

  34. Hi
    Please check out this free iPad app that lets you design practice for recalling people, places, and things using your own photos and voices. Use it to help someone recall the faces and names of loved ones. Thanks for checking it out.

  35. Hi Peter:

    I'm the Development Director for the Alzheimer's & Dementia Society in St. George, Utah. Love what you are doing and trying to connect with you personally. Can you please email me at: perry.holmes.ads@gmail.com?


    1. Mr. Holmes, I'd like to alert you and your members to our website for upcoming clinical trial opportunities involving non-drug non-invasive treatments for dementia and parkinson's.
      check out quietmindfdn.org/clinical-trials.html

  36. Gisele Small again, sent in a comment about a song that I wrote. Not sure if you received the comment. The name of the song is "Somewhere In Time". Gisele Small YouTube.

  37. Hi, Peter –

    Your post today is titled “Prevent Alzheimer’s – Start Young.” We agree!

    You also might want to consider: although meditation is believed to be over 5,000 years old, scientific research on it is in its infancy. However, research has shown that it has a direct impact on memory loss.

    Which begs the question; can meditation prevent Alzheimer's disease?

    An article in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease suggests that it's not only possible, it's showing great promise.

    On the heels of his participation in the White House Conference on Aging this week, author Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., president and medical director of the Alzheimer's Research and Prevention Foundation, can discuss these findings with you including:

    * Stress, aging, and neuron death
    * Review of the literature covering various meditation practices and their impact on memory, such as relaxation response, transcendental meditation, mindfulness-based stress reduction, and Kirtan Kriya
    * The new frontier in Alzheimer's prevention called "spiritual fitness" and what the cultivation of higher levels of psycho-spiritual well-being means in the context of brain health

    Please let me know if you'd like me to connect you with Dr. Khalsa and please see his article here:


    Many thanks,

    Jason Miko

  38. Dear Peter:

    Reputable scientific journals have reported on the correlation between aluminum and neurological degradation, but now a U.K researcher is hoping to launch a new clinical trial to confirm this connection among Alzheimer's patients with an eye towards silicon as a possible treatment.

    If you can send me your email address, I'd be happy to send you a press release with more details.

    Hoping you can help get the word out so that funds can be raised for this "People's Trial" and an effective treatment for this devastating disease can, hopefully, be identified.


    Karen Baratz

  39. Peter,

    Consider sharing Taylor Loren's music video about Alzheimer's. She aims the raise awareness about the disease and also show how it effects the younger generations of sufferers. Thank you https://youtu.be/z7W_En7KiwE

  40. Hello Peter,

    I am currently 27 years old and have watched my family cope with the aging and deteriorating mental state of my grandfather over the last few years. We've done a considerable amount of research concerning Alzheimer's & dementia during that time and certainly appreciate the work you're doing. One of the bigger issues my family has dealt with is handling his financials - I wanted to share this article with you and any others who may be dealing with similar issues:


    Trust me, financial situations can become a mess quickly when dealing with this affliction. Hopefully this can help prevent some from having to deal with a few of the unfortunate situations we have gone through during recent years.

    Keep up the good work,

  41. Hi Alzheimer's and Dementia Weekly- I share with you the stories of younger families, This video is called Dementia Younger onset Our world please share this very important video Thank you Bakhus Saba

  42. Hi, I am Paul Shike and I recently published a new book titled "Tell Me So I Know". The book has over 600 questions to ask a parent, grandparent or someone special about their life story, memories, favorites and advice. The book provides a place to document this information to preserve and share the memories. You can find out more about the book at www.tellmesoiknow.com. I would hope to you would consider recommending and offering this book to your readers.

    1. I would like to offer your readers a 10% discount on my book "Tell Me So I Know". If they visit www.tellmesoiknow.com and select the buy now button and enter discount code AZGAP23M at checkout they will receive 10% off on their purchase.

      The book is great activity to share with those in the early stage of Alzheimer's.

  43. I had the pleasure of visiting your website which was extremely enlightening. Our company can certainly identify with the importance of getting involved and making a difference. That’s what prompted us to develop a product that would make it easier to care for people who are suffering from memory loss. (i.e. Alzheimer's. Dementia, etc.)

    Our product is being targeted to caregivers and family members who have a loved one that is suffering from memory loss. The monitoring app lets caregivers and family members coordinate their activities keeping them informed about their loved one’s location and condition. Unlike competing approaches, this product provides indoor and outdoor coverage.

    The product is a Canadian innovation that took over 2 years to develop. We are now ready to share our technology with caregivers and family members around the world so that we can make their lives easier and provide them with greater peace of mind.

    We would like to talk to your company about offering our product on your website. Please confirm the contact info for your buying department so that we can explore the possibilities.


    Don Cohen
    Treata Smart Solutions
    Tel: 647-878-2389
    Website: www.treatasolutions.com

  44. I am new to your site, but am finding many helpful and interesting articles. I am the primary caretaker of my 98 year old Mother,who has recently been diagnosed with late stage dementia. The difference between her and most of the other people that are referred to is that my Mom is blind, so finding things to stimulate her becomes very difficult. I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on dealing with dementia patients who are blind...it does change the dynamic of caregiving for them.

    1. Music is one of the best therapies for Alzheimer's, and I have heard that blind people have even better hearing than people who are not blind. Music, especially older music, sounds like a great way to go. For more, watch the video:

      Alzheimer's and the Power of Music

  45. I really enjoyed your article on dementia clocks. I am a OT who recently put together a free dementia clock android app that provided the writing the day clock uses- e.g its Thursday Evening which I thought addressed a need of a simple app version of the day clock (the make your own clock app is much better but I figured it would be nice to just have one you can install). Anyway the link is below, please let me know if you had any suggestions. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wearingthegreen.pc.otdementiaclock&hl=en_GB

  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. Hi!

    My name is Hanna Davidsson. I'm a soon to be reg. nurse and also work as a project leader. I'm now releasing a new free app called Memory Box!

    It's a free smartphone application that aims to serve as a memory aid and a conversation inspiration to support relatives and caregivers of those living with dementia. It contains visual, musical and written
    tips for conversations and memory support of famous events and topics during the 20th century.

    I'm gathering a focus group which is the reason why I've chosen to contact you. I would love for you to be a part of a group of people that will try the application and give me your thoughts and reviews about Memory Box by trying out the application and doing a quick survey of 10 questions here: https://surveyplanet.com/5668287e7ad8364b5bb7538e

    Read more about and download here: memoryboxapp.org or search for memory box in your app/google store.

    Also of course, if you like the application you could support us by spreding the word about Memory Box! application.

    If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at hanna.davidsson@sci.se

    Looking forward to hearing from you,

    Best regards!

  48. Hello Peter,

    My name is Andrea Asuaje, and I work on a radio series called 'Kind World' at WBUR, Boston's NPR station.

    I’m reaching out because we recently published two stories that involve inspirational men inflicted with Alzheimer’s and dementia – two very different stories but both focusing on the kindness of others.



    Both caregivers and those who have yet to confront Alzheimer’s and dementia can relate to these compelling stories. And I believe the greater community involved with Alzheimer’s Speaks – patients, those caring for loved ones, those fighting for a cure, even medical professionals – would greatly appreciate these moving narratives.

    I’d love it if you would consider sharing these stories on social media or with your community. The Kind World team is aiming to reach as many people as possible with these stories of hope.

    Thank you so much for your time.

    Andrea Asuaje

    1. You may contact me at aasuaje@bu.edu for more information about the stories and 'Kind World.' Thanks!

      -Andrea Asuaje

  49. Hi Peter,

    I've spent nearly 10 years documenting my own family's struggle with Alzheimer's and building the Carpe Kilimanjaro Alzheimer's Project. I'm familiar with the great work you're doing within the Alzheimer's community and I'm hoping you might share our story with your followers.

    Our feature documentary, "Carpe Kilimanjaro: An Alzheimer's Story", won BEST FEATURE DOCUMENTARY at the Evolution International Film Festival in Mallorca, Spain, in November and we've just begun submitting to other festivals. Carpe Kilimanjaro is the tent-pole component of a multi-prong strategy, to help shatter the stigma and get more funding into Alzheimer's research. As you already know, this disease is the epidemic of our generation and we hope the power of story can help the scientific community and localized efforts around the country. So we've partnered with a company to help bring our feature documentary to movie theaters around the U.S.

    Goal #1: Alzheimer's organizations screen our film to help raise awareness AND money for their local efforts. Here's a link to a short video that explains how it works:


    Additionally, we launched our unique story platform www.myalzheimers.net. We're adding more videos every month, but our blog currently features over 150 video stories, from caregivers, doctors, and Alzheimer's patients.

    Goal #2: Build MyAlzheimers.net into the world's largest collection of Alzheimer's video stories.

    This is a personal project and I've been bootstrapping for years. I hope you see the merit of our project and feel compelled to share with your community. Additionally we invite you to share our growing video library, with those looking to raise awareness and local funding, and find a cure. I'm happy to chat more or answer questions, so please feel free to email me back to discuss.

    Thank you!

    Zach Jordan

  50. My organization is seeking to study the use of noninvasive non-drug treatments for stopping and reversing neurodegeneration. Our clinical trials now focus on the use of near infrared light stimulation to improve brain health and protect against damage and brainwave biofeedback to renormalize neuroelectrical activity patterns. We have two clinical trials now that will involve home use of the infrared light therapy for 90 days. Testing involves standard measures of memory and cognitive functioning as well as a brief EEG recording using noninvasive scalp electrodes. These studies are to show that there may well be ways to improve cognitive and physical symptoms of dementia that do not involve the use of drugs. More information at www.quietmindfdn.org or call 610-940-0488 Marvin Berman PhD

  51. Is there any type of subscription to a similar publication in print that someone could subscribe to that doesn't have Internet access or email?

  52. Sharp Again Naturally collects and publicizes science-based information on reversible causes of AD and other dementia diagnoses and advocates for new testing and treatment protocols that address those reversible causes. So far we’ve identified nine categories of reversible causes. Any one or more of them can be what is causing cognitive decline. So coconut oil may help with a person with insulin resistance, but be irrelevant for someone whose main problem is a drug reaction to statins.

    Our Medical and Dental Advisory Board is in the process of formulating testing and treatment Guidelines. Their purpose is to help families and physicians ensure patients don't go down the tubes just because no one thought to check out conditions that could have been reversed "if we'd only known." Because I had the information we provide, I was able, when I had symptoms of my own, to find the help I needed to determine the main causes and recover. www.sharpagain.org

    Sharp Again will be appearing with Drs Perlmutter, Hyman, and Dale Bredesen of the breakthrough UCLA-Buck Institute study (90% recovery rate) at the OMEGA Institute in Rhinebeck NY July 1-3 to present this fresh paradigm for testing and treatment. https://www.eomega.org/workshops/hope-for-dementia-alzheimers-disease#-workshop-description-block

  53. Alzheimer's documentary screening at two Florida film festivals this month

    My name is Jacquelyn Lobel and I am a filmmaker based in New York.

    I work for a company called HealthiNation – an Emmy Award-winning online film and video network. We recently produced a short documentary film called “Care Until Cure: A Second Chance at Alzheimer’s”.

    The film is based in Naples, Florida – the epicenter of aging in America – and tells the story of Kenn Voegele and his family, who were struck twice by Alzheimer's Disease. Shaken by an Alzheimer's diagnosis in both parents, and struggling to be the caregiver he wanted to be, Kenn spoke up and discovered his life calling. Today, Kenn is active in the Naples community, working to help both individuals affected by Alzheimer’s as well as their caregivers, spreading awareness as to the impact of the disease on both those afflicted and their caregivers, and supporting and building resources to offer the highest quality of care until there is a cure.

    We were recently thrilled to find out that our film has been accepted by two film Florida festivals taking place this April!

    First up is the 10th Annual Fort Myers Beach Film Festival. This will be the world premiere of our film!

    Fort Myers Beach Film Festival takes place from April 20th – April 24th, 2016 in Fort Myers, Florida and is back for it’s 10th year. Attendees come from all over the world to celebrate filmmaking and we encourage you, your friends, family and colleagues to join us for the screening of our film. Please contact Fort Myers Beach Film Festival for information about tickets.

    Fort Myers Beach Film Festival Screening Details:
    Friday April 22nd
    Shorts Package #3
    Ft. Myers Beach Theater
    6425 Estero Blvd, Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931

    Our film was also accepted to the 11th Annual Sunscreen Film Festival! We are so excited that it will be an official selection in the festival.

    Sunscreen Film Festival is sponsored by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. It takes place from April 28 – May 1, 2016 in St. Petersburg, Florida. The festival is dedicated to educating and entertaining the public on the art of visual storytelling. Celebrity guests have included John Travolta, Kelly Preston and Patrick Wilson. In 2013, Sunscreen was one of only 23 film fests nationwide to be sponsored and acknowledged by the Academy.

    We encourage you to attend the festival with us! Tickets are available here: http://sunscreenfilmfestival.com/festival-2016/schedule/

    Sunscreen Film Festival Screening Details:
    Friday April 29th, 2016
    Documentary Shorts Block
    11:15 AM – 1:15 AM
    American Stage Theater Company
    163 3rd St. North, St Petersburg, FL 33701

    Creating more awareness about the devastating effects of Alzheimer’s disease, as well as all dementias and related memory disorders, is so important to us, and we are especially concerned about how unprepared our country is for this growing epidemic. We would love to have your support in spreading Kenn’s message.

    If you are interested in attending either or both of the festivals, please let me know! HealthiNation is planning a couple of happy hour events to celebrate the film screenings and we would love to extend an invite to you and your team. More information on those events can be provided upon request.

    Thank you for your time,


    Jacquelyn Lobel
    50 West 17th Street, 11th Fl | NY, NY 10011
    HealthiNation Earns 2015 Daytime Emmy!

    1. Congratulations on your festival appearances! We are also working on a documentary about reversing dementia with Tish Tamowski and Scott Douglas of healthadvocatesworldwide.com. You might want to be in touch with them. They're also working on a film about stopping ALS.

      I'm in White Plains with Sharp Again Naturally, a small nonprofit dedicated to educating the public and the medical community about reversible causes of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia, and to advocating for new protocols

  54. or email us at info@telecalm.co for more info.

    We are providing some free beta trials soon. This will replace current phone service, and with the added intelligence set by the Caregiver mobile app.

  55. Lithium’s Neuroprotective Effects
    Patty Duke’s recent passing brought my attention to the fact of her long battle with manic depression or bipolar. Since long ago I had previous experience with a friend who passed from manic depression, I was curious as to what her recent experience was with the disease. She has written two books on the subject, one an autobiography, and one her experience with the disease. I bought both books and started reading. Every other chapter in “Brilliant Madness” is written by her psychiatrist.
    My wife passed from Alzheimer’s three years ago. As I’m reading Patty’s book, I’m starting to make connections between my wife’s very early stages of manic depression (which I did not recognize), and my subsequent fifteen years I spent with her at home taking care of severe Alzheimer’s. Manic depression, according to Patty, like Alzheimer’s, is often under diagnosed. Patty started experiencing the disease in her teens and was 35 years old before she was finally put on lithium. Her disease was not subtle. There were many manic episodes, and many suicide attempts.
    Scientists have now started making connections between manic depression and Alzheimer’s. The severe depression from bipolar causes changes in the frontal lobes of the brain similar to the vascular dementia in Alzheimer’s.
    Patty was treated successfully by lithium for 35 years until her passing from a totally unrelated intestinal break followed by sepsis at age 69.
    There is now speculation in the medical community examining the possible effects of lithium on treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. At the American Psychiatric Association’s annual meeting in San Francisco, Ariel Gildengers, MD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh, told scientific session participants that “more than 75 studies and more than 5 reviews have established an association between bipolar disorder and cognitive dysfunction (Alzheimer’s).” Lithium, used to treat bipolar disorders for more than a half-century, has neurotrophic and neuroprotective properties that may help preserve cognitive function in patients with bipolar disorder and possibly in those with Alzheimer disease.
    Lithium causes increased activity in the brain associated with an increase in tau hyperphosphorylation and alterations in amyloid-β processing related to the formation of neurofibrillary tangles and plaques, which are the hallmarks of Alzheimer disease. “What I’m suggesting here is that lithium may be a treatment for Alzheimer disease,” Gildengers said

  56. Hi - we are a health board in the UK (ABM University Health Board) and would like to share your video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KlRpFu1Ub8 next week as it is National Dementia Week in the UK. is this OK? Sue Bailey, Head of Communications.

    1. The video is an excerpt from a public domain video under Creative Commons license from the U.S. National Institutes of Health. You are free to share it.

  57. Hi there! Thank you so much for your conscientious and informative emails, they are invaluable to me as a filmmaker trying to bring the issues of dementia and caregiving to the big screen. My next and biggest project yet is Frame of Mind, the story of Joanne who cares for her father, living with dementia. Right now, our project is at the stage where the most valued contributors are the strong members of the caregiving community. We want to build a thoughtful and sensitive a campaign as possible when it comes to crowd funding for our film. We are gathering thoughts and feedback about our project via the following questions: http://goo.gl/forms/RXmeOKAmoIjfDV1E3
    I would be deeply grateful if you could help us gain as many responses as possible from the caregiving community, and perhaps share the link these questions via your newsletter.
    Your help would bring this story closer to being possible and will help us bring the issues of memory loss to the big screen.
    Thank you!

    1. If you want to get the word out on your book, you are welcome to do so on our Facebook Wall's ""Posts to Page"" box.

      Go to:

  58. Our recent conference at OMEGA Institute took place July 1-3 in Rhinebeck NY “Hope for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease” for both lay and professional audiences. It featured three world-class keynote MDs speaking for 2 hours each (David Perlmutter, Mark Hyman, and UCLA-Buck Institute’s Dale Bredesen—who reversed memory loss in 9 patients in a study published 9/14). Other speakers gave accounts of how they reversed their symptoms.

    Over 200 attended in person or online. To see what they saw, go to: HERE

    The Sharp Again Naturally team opened the conference by describing in layman’s terms a comprehensive, multi-causal, multi-therapeutic paradigm for dementia that explains why so many factors can make a difference for one person, but not another. All speakers agree:

    1. Don’t wait for symptoms to start testing and treating.
    2. Don’t give up without testing for and treating all reversible causes (currently 9 and counting).
    3. Keep treating until symptoms change.

    The On Demand live stream of the presentations is available til Oct 1, over 10 hours for only $49. I would have given anything for this info when my mother was in decline.

    To sign up, go to: Purchase live stream On Demand

    Jacqui Bishop


  59. Here's a great resource for those searching for ways to lift the spirits of those with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

    Please consider listing the Senior Radio Show on your site under "Activities", "Inspiration", "Mood", "Music/Movies", "Songs" and "Therapy". In short, it is an annual CD subscription that provides a professional solo piano rendition of many old, hard to find songs that are inspirational and uniquely fun for dementia patients, and even the elderly in general. The very special songs from their childhood, weddings, etc. Songs that aren't available anywhere else, at least not conveniently in one place.

    Here's the link - http://www.newfriendentertainment.com/radio-show.html

    Please let me know about the possibility of listing this resource and any related details that you might require.

    I feature this music in all kinds of care facilities, including dementia facilities and people do love it. Music does have the power to ease suffering, bring joy, and unlock the mind…as only music can.

    Kind Regards,

    Dave Cornwall

  60. Our startup just launched the first phone service for loved ones living with Alzheimers and dementia. Our home phone service:

    - Blocks all telemarketers and scammers
    - Limits outbound dialing to HSN, QVC and other shopping sites
    - Set quiet hours, even for outbound dialing
    - Notifications to the caregivers via our mobile app (who's calling mom)

    Here is our website:


  61. French entrepreneur based in Berkeley, CA,
    I would like to present an early view of our next crowdfunding campaign for Ever.li.
    Ever.li is a virtual reality application for seniors that stimulates them and brings back to life their cherished memories.
    Ever.li fights loneliness and connects generations and above all is an innovative and caring wayto delay alzheimer's symptoms (patent pending).

    This solution has been developed in partnership with a french laboratory (CNRS).

    We have been working on for months.
    The launching is scheduled on sept 21, on Alzheimer's day.

    Could you help us out with with our network ?
    Register on Thunderclap to support Ever.li and be the first to be informed of the launch on Indiegogo.
    Share and contribute maximally to the successful launch of Ever.li.
    Connect with facebook on thunderclap and then clic on Support with facebook and twitter

    Thank you

    Jean-Luc BESSET - Ever.li
    @everli (415) 316-8541

  62. Hi Paul, could you please contact me about a ketone breakthrough? Email: preemiedoctor@aol.com

  63. Dear Peter,

    From reading your posts, I felt this program may be of interest to you and to your followers.

    Recent thinking about Alzheimer’s and other forms of cognitive impairment suggests that attention to metabolic health and lifestyle factors can have value, especially for those in the early stage. I want to call your attention to this new program, called the RE:mind program, that utilizes a science-based, educational lifestyle approach created at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging that offers an alternative for those seeking other options. Our news release describes the RE:mind program and upcoming patient immersion retreats. For more information, contact Denise Kalos at AFFIRMATIVhealth, 707.800.2302, or remind@affirmativhealth.com

  64. Hello
    How could I get my dad on the MEND programme?

  65. Perhaps the answer to this question is noted somewhere on this site but can you tell me the reason that there is no documentation of year on anything?

  66. I have a memoir, called MOTHERHOOD: LOST AND FOUND that tells the story of my mother's descent into Alzheimer's at the same time I was trying to become a mother. One of my desires in writing the book was to reach out to others who are suffering and feeling alone in their journey with Alzheimer's. Already in paperback and on Amazon, my book goes live on Kindle tomorrow. I'm contacting you to see if you would have any interest in featuring it on your site. Thanks so much for your consideration, and for the things you are doing to help those who are traveling this difficult journey through Alzheimer's.

    For more information on my book, you may visit my website at: www.anncampanella.com.

  67. I think it would be great to measure the impact of this method on people with dementia by seeing how their brain activity normalizes in response to these types of communications.
    We have the technology to accomplish this type of analysis and it would then help to formulate more and better interventions that would be customized for each individual and family system.
    Marvin Berman PhD
    Quietmind Foundation

  68. Hello Peter,
    I’m a nonprofit fundraising professional for the Validation Training Institute (VTI).

    VTI’s mission is to enrich the lives of older adults experiencing dementia and their caregivers through education and support that nurtures respect, dignity and well-being. At the heart of this is the Validation Method, a communication method that allows caregivers to better connect with these older adults.

    Small-scale studies have shown that the Validation Method reduces stress for caregivers while enhancing dignity and happiness for those who are Validated, people who are often 85+ years. Individuals at over 10,000 dementia care communities worldwide practice Validation.

    We are currently in the second half of our first fundraising/awareness campaign. It's called "I Validate to Connect" (#IValidate2Connect).

    Our goal: to raise $20,000 by Oct. 15 to help fund the largest Validation study ever undertaken. There are three ways to get involved.

    Make a tax deductible, financial contribution to VTI—a 501(c)3 nonprofit—via our campaign page: https://www.generosity.com/medical-fundraising/2016-i-validate-to-connect-campaign--2

    Share our campaign page (http://vfvalidation.org/ivalidate/) with your network.

    Sign our online statement of support by Oct. 15 at http://vfvalidation.org/ivalidate/

    We thought your readers may be interested. On behalf of the caregivers and older adults who use the Validation, thanks!

  69. Hello

    I'd like to present to you Ever.li, the memories engine
    A virtual reality application that stimulates, revives memories (personal & familial moments + public & historical events that mattered to us) while improving memory.
    Ever.li will helps seniors to connect with new generations, detect and delay Alzheimer's symptoms.

    For seniors living communities
    Memory process with ever.li
    Interview by Béatrice Alescio-Lautier
    Research Director CNRS Aix-Marseille University, France
    UMR-CNRS 7260 - Integratives and Adaptatives Neurosciences (LNIA)

    Ever.li, the web site (data base)
    Connect great events and build our timeline

  70. Peter,
    Thank you for the wonderful service you provide with this site. It is such a gift to many people. One of the things I desperately craved when my mother was descending into Alzheimer's was the opportunity to read someone else's personal journey. As a long-time newspaper and magazine journalist, I have shared the story of losing my mother to Alzheimer's in my recently released memoir, Motherhood: Lost and Found. Would you have any interest in posting my memoir on your book page? I'm happy to provide you with more information if needed. Here is the Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/Motherhood-Lost-Found-Ann-Campanella-ebook/dp/B01L30NTYY/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8
    Thank you for your consideration, and thanks again for all you do for others.
    Ann Campanella

  71. Hi Peter,

    Thanks so much for putting together such a fabulous site, with such a wealth of really good information.

    Like you, my Alzheimers journey sadly started from personal experience - with the slow decline and eventual loss of my Grandma who was very dear to me.

    Her struggle, however awful, did inspire me however and in the 12 years since we lost her, I have never lost my passion and my drive for raising awareness, fundraising and research into the conditon.

    Actually one of the things I do in order to raise awareness is to write my own Alzheimers related articles. I can provide you with links to some of my work if you wish and I wondered whether you'd like me to write anything for you?

    Look forward to hearing from you,




  72. Hi, I have news about a possible cure for the disease that seems to be getting swept under the rug over and over again. Please contact me to share the story. Search for the cure. Join our group to see the latest developments and news. https://www.facebook.com/groups/333611363684660/

  73. We're doing clinical Trials with INFRARED LEDs for dementia. Please call 610-940-0488 for details.
    Marvin Berman Ph.D.

  74. Hello. I am a marketer for a walk-in tub company and would like to know if you allow digital ads on your site. please contact me or message back

    1. Hi Rachel,

      Our site has Google boxes in which you can place ads via Google AdWords.

      We also offer a Monthly Sponsorship Package. The monthly package includes:

      * One sponsor ad that runs "above-the-fold" of AlzheimersWeekly.com for an entire month. The site averages over 150,000 page views per month, according to Google Analytics.
      * One sponsor ad that runs near the top of the Alzheimer's Weekly Newsletter for five editions sent out by email. Currently, there are over 20,000 opt-in subscribers to the newsletter.
      * Two sponsor ads posted to our Facebook wall over the course of the month. There are currently over 210,000 Facebook Users who have "Liked" the Alzheimer's Weekly Facebook page.

      The cost of the Monthly Sponsorship Package is $1500 per month.

      Please let me know if I can be of further help. All the best,

      Peter Berger

  75. Peter,
    I'm curious how I might get a story posted about clinical trials for people with age-related memory impairment or dementia? We are starting trials of a new noninvasive non-drug technology for treating dementia using near infrared light stimulation.
    Marvin Berman PhD, Principal Investigator
    Quietmind Foundation www.quietmindfdn.org

  76. For those who are dealing with swallowing disorders as the result of dementia, perhaps you will be interested in the book I wrote after five years of taking care of my mom. "Essential Puree: The A to Z Guidebook" tells you how to set up and run a Puree Kitchen.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Hello,
    My father has created a beautiful set of DVDs entitled Sunday Drive. Sunday Drive is a series of professional DVDs designed for people with Alzheimer’s, dementia, autism, brain injury and folks who may be homebound or residing in assisted living facilities and those who want to experience a meditative journey.

    Sunday Drive is set to cinematic background music and meant to relax the viewer. The DVDs intentionally contain no narrative, text, or plot. Their purpose is to mimic a classic rejuvenating drive or stroll through familiar surroundings.

    Sunday Drive is especially revitalizing for individual viewers with memory issues. The library of programs are particularly successful when watched with a group in a theater style setting encouraging conversation, interaction, and creating an overall positive communal experience.

    We are working to get these wonderful DVDs out into the world where they can be of as much help as possible. Please check us out at http://www.sunday-drive.info/

    Thank you for all that you do!

    Azure Anderson

  79. This site offers excellent information. Our company Care Confirmed is also concerned about the well being of seniors and others too. Our goal is to assist them to stay living independently in their own homes. Please check out our website www.careconfirmed.com. We are located in Ontario, Canada

  80. Help! Does anyone know (have a link) where I can purchase a poster by John Wooden, green background, two people holding hands, text of: You can't live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you. It's marked copyright alzheimersweekly.com but there's no "contact us" on this site at all...Thanks in advance - George from Edmonton

  81. Hi Peter. Your site is an excellent resource for people with dementia. I work for a premium weighing scales manufacturer - Marsden Weighing Group - and we have recently launched two new white scales specifically for dementia patients. I have a press release which I'd like to submit to you about them for use on your website. Please can you let me know an email address for me to send the information to?

    Kind regards,

    Robert Harker

  82. 2/7/2017 You featured a video today about a woman who was diagnosed mistakenly with Alzheimers because of the effects of medications she was taking. What were the drugs that caused the problem? Which drugs can cause Alzheimer's symptoms. The video wasn't very helpful without this information

  83. Myths of Arizona Eldercare.
    My hope is that our 29 year personal story about early onset dementia and neurosis will help others to understand the consequences of health care politics. It is being published in George Templeton’s column, in 2 week intervals, at http://rimcountrygazette.blogspot.com/

  84. Hi Alzheimer's Weekly Team,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I'm Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Alzheimer's & Dementia Weekly has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 40 Alzheimer Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 40 Alzheimer Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.


  85. Hi Alzheimer's Weekly,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I'm Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Alzheimer's Weekly has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 60 Dementia Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 60 Dementia Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.


  86. What's the best e-mail to reach out to about advertising opportunities?

  87. Hi!

    We are Compass Research, a medical research site based out of Orlando, and we do a lot of Alzheimer's research. Would it be possible to contact somebody from Alzheimer's Weekly to discuss advertising opportunities? MY email is: william.trabanco@compass.bioclinica.com . I look forward to hearing from you soon!

    Best Regards,

  88. Hi,

    I am writing to you to introduce you to Funbridge.

    Funbridge is the European market leader in online bridge and I think you and your readers may be interested in learning more about it.
    Our aim is to make bridge accessible to the widest number of players and promote its health benefits for seniors.

    Funbridge is an online bridge game available on Mac, PC, tablets and smartphones which allows you to play bridge 24/7 wherever you are.
    It offers a user-friendly interface, numerous game modes and built-in bidding systems. We have a community of 450,000 players of all levels from over 200 countries.

    Recent studies have shown that bridge stimulates the brain, reduces cognitive decline and helps fight some diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. It also reduces stress and is an opportunity to make friends and socialize when the elderly experience moments of loneliness.

    You can download and review our app for free. For more information, go to “Download” at https://www.funbridge.com/en/index.
    We would also be happy to introduce your readers to Funbridge by designing a quiz or organizing a contest with prizes such as subscription gift codes.
    Please note that we are open to all forms of cooperation (e.g. article, link exchange, banner, etc.).

    I am still at your disposal should you require any further information.

    Best regards,

    Virginie Delattre
    Translation & International Relationships
    GOTO Games
    Tel: +33(0) 328 328 079
    Fax: +33(0) 328 328 090
    3 avenue Antoine Pinay, Parc d'activités des 4 vents
    59510 HEM - FRANCE

  89. Hi, Peter!

    I'm reaching out because I've created a Dementia Caregiving post that you might find useful. It’s about the challenges of taking care of someone with Dementia, how the condition redefines marriage, the importance of self-care, emotions like exhaustion and frustrations are valid emotions and other issues that need immediate discussion and resolution.

    You can read it here: http://www.altcp.org/dementia-care-spouse-caregiver/

    Let me know what you think of this idea.

    If you find it share-able, would you mind sharing it with your audience?

    All the best,

    Samantha Stein

    Online Content Manager

  90. Dear Peter,

    I lead XpertDox business development, a self-help navigation resource for rare disease diagnosed persons.

    We discovered your blog on Healthlines.

    Currently we seek leading bloggers for lewy body dementia and related forms of dementia.

    Can you refer us to a contributor for an appointment?

    Warmest regards,

    Troy Martin
    Business Development | XpertDox

    +1 202 697 9908

    1. Sorry, I'm not clear from your message. What do you want an appointment for? Are you interested in discussing with someone if they will write Lewy-body-related blog posts for you?

  91. May I send you a complimentary copy of "My Grandma Rose: Alzheimer's and Dementia from a Middle Schooler's Perspective"? It is a book I've written to help children 8+ with a loved one suffering from this disease. It takes children through the seven stages of Alzheimer's and introduces assisted living, hospice, palliative care and the importance of talking to someone (friend or professional) when you're feeling sad.


    My mother passed away almost 3 years ago.

    1. Hi Kim,

      It sounds like your book covers a unique niche.

      If you want to get the word out on your book, you are welcome to do so on our Facebook page's "VISITOR POSTS" box. It is at Facebook.com/AlzheimersWeekly .

      For books to be reviewed here, a book needs at least 20 customer reviews on Amazon.com .

      Wishing you much success.

  92. what would be needed to have a research study highlighted on your site? Weve recently published a study showing improved memory functioning in subjects with mild to moderate dementia following 28 consecutive 6-minute transcranial exposures to near infrared light stimulation. This was a double blind, placebo controlled pilot study published this month in Neurology and Neuroscience. I think your readers would be interested in knowing there is a potential treatment available that is safe, non-drug, non-invasive and easily deployed.
    Marvin Berman PHD www.quietmindfdn.org

  93. I really like your blog. Congratulations on being one of the top 10 rated by Healthline for 2017. I would like to introduce a great resource for people with Alzheimer's or other fementia plus their family and caregivers. It's called LifeSongs and it is a recordable scrapbook. Together you can tell the person's life story through 12 large pages for photos and then record 12 of their favorite songs (or their/your voice) to help spark memories. They help start conversations, educate caregivers and improve mood and memory. They are only $29.99 at LifeSongs.info. Something you should share with your readers!My mom loved to look at hers daily.

  94. I have always loved getting your informative newsletter. I thought your audience would be interested in an amazing symposium we are doing for those with early memory loss and their families. We are going on a 7 day Caribbean Cruise. Below is the press release:

    Dementia Symposium and Cruise Brings Hope, Fun and Education to Families - A Caribbean vacation for those living with early memory loss, their families and friends

    Participants will find this week-long Caribbean cruise an empowering retreat rich in hope and filled with fun; all while getting tips to live graciously with their “new normal” in life.

    Lori La Bey, Radio Host and Founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks orchestrated the event. Her own mother lived 30 years with dementia. La Bey said, “Our conference is designed to encourage open conversations, raise awareness, and build a sense of comradery while rejuvenating souls. We want to help people expand the depths of their relationships while functioning as care partners and care receivers. Our goal is to show people how to live graciously with dementia, not become it.”

    Kathy Shoaf, RN, Accessible Travel Advocate and owner of Elite Cruises and Vacations, LLC, is working with La Bey to bring people together to learn, share insights, reduce fears and feelings of isolation often caused by dementia. Shoaf has been overwhelmed with the gratitude expressed by those inquiring about the symposium. “People are excited and simply surprised this opportunity to get support exists," she said.

    Most people don’t realize how many families are affected by various forms of dementia. According to Alzheimer’s Disease International, a person develops dementia every 3 seconds in the world. It’s rare to find someone who has not been touched by it.

    Part of La Bey’s unique team includes what she calls the “True Experts” in the industry. They are four international advocates living with a dementia diagnosis who will share their profound insights and coping strategies. They are: Michael Ellenbogen, Harry Urban, Laurie Scherrer and Mary Read.

    Urban, whose has lived with dementia for 13 years said, “I’m finally going to meet my family. The one I’ve never met.” Harry refers to his “social media family” who plays a major source of support to him, others like him and their care partners.

    La Bey and two other professionals, Cyndy Luzinski and Becky Watson bring their passion and superior skills to the symposium. Luzinski is an advanced practice nurse, dementia practitioner and founder of Dementia-Friendly Communities of Northern Colorado. Watson is a Board-Certified Music Therapist and Founder of Music for Wellness; a company providing engaging, energizing and empowering music wellness programs and services to enrich the mind, body, and spirit.

    La Bey, reminisces about her family cruise. “What a beautiful experience it was for my parents; my mom with dementia and dad with cancer, plus all siblings and our children.” She goes on to say, “To be able to offer a supportive atmosphere where others are in the trenches and understand the dementia experience -- well it’s just beyond words.”

    In addition to having fun with liked mind people; participants will be given resources, tips and tools to help them live better with and alongside dementia.

    Johns Hopkins University Press has donated books; “The 36 Hour Day” and “A Loving Approach to Dementia Care.” La Bey encourages others to donate products or tools for participants. Alzheimer’s Speaks is also seeking sponsors and cash donations for scholarships for those who can’t afford to attend on their own.

    The group will set sail November 11th, for the Eastern Caribbean and return November 18th, 2017. All interested in this symposium and cruise must book their cruise through Kathy Shoaf who can be reached at 219-608-2002.

    Alzheimer's Speaks is an advocacy group making an international impact providing education for those dealing with dementia. 651-748-4714

  95. Hi,

    My name is Matthew Hoey and I am the digital marketing coordinator for an assisted living facility in Buffalo, NY. I was wondering who I could speak to about getting our website link: http://www.bromptonheights.com/ on your website as a reference for seniors in the area. We are a Memory Care and Enhanced Assisted Living Residence.


  96. Hi,

    My name is Dani Waxman and I am co-founder of RecallCue. I noticed that you had a post reviewing various day clock solutions and I was hoping you can add RecallCue to your site for the benefit of your members.

    RecallCue is an app that turns any tablet into a “connected” day clock. Once installed on the tablet family members and caregivers can set events, schedule reminders or send photos form any smartphone. The app costs only $10 making this a very affordable solution. RecallCue was developed out of personal need and experience and we will be adding additional features to support the wellbeing of people with dementia and their families. Additional information can be found at http://www.recallcue.com

  97. Hi

    My name is Amanda Pilgaard and I am the co-owner of PeapodMats. We offer a unique and dignified solution for adults and elderly that are affected with incontinence. We have had a large number of our Customers, whom are care-givers for a loved one that is managing the advanced stages of Alzheimer's or Dementia, purchase PeapodMats because of their convenience and versatility. Please let us know if there is an opportunity to be showcased on your website (blogs and/or store). Email: info@peapodmats.com

    Thank you!


  98. Hello Peter,

    My name is India, from Caring.com. I recently came across your site and I was very impressed with it. I really enjoyed the article on Communicating with Dad & Dementia. I know that for many families communicating with a loved one whose memory is fading can be taxing. Your article give families a very positive framework to work from. It also made me think of one of our internal articles that might resonate with your readership: https://www.caring.com/articles/move-parent-with-dementia-to-assisted-living

    For a little more about Caring - we have more than 3 million monthly visitors and are a leading senior care website. More information about the work we do can be found here: https://www.caring.com/about/index

    Do you think this article would be something you'd be able to post on your page?

    Thanks for your time and consideration,

    India, Caring.com

  99. Hi Peter,

    I have been following your newsletter for some time. Today I wrote an article I felt was needed at this time year. It is geared toward teens and young adults who will be visiting grandparents with dementia this holiday season. I was wondering if you would like to use it in your newsletter? I'm not sure how you usually get your material or if you would be interested in this sort of article.

    Hope to hear from you!

    Lisa Shearer Cooper

  100. The book, Grandma Doesn’t Know My Name, has just been published on Amazon. The book was written with children ages 5-9 in mind, who may be encountering a beloved adult who is suffering from Alzheimer’s.
    Written in prose and the first person, the little girl spends a lot of time with her grandmother but is confused when grandma doesn’t remember her name. The child’s parents take her to the doctor who explains what Alzheimer’s is.
    I was wondering how o get it linked to your children's reading list. The link to the book is https://www.amazon.com/dp/1544144121/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1498671518&sr=8-1&keywords=Grandma+Doesn%27t+Know+My+Name.

  101. Hello, My mom, Mitsy, is 92, Blind, and has progressing dementia which is extremely challenging since memory is an important tool for people to compensate their loss of sight.

    Although the dementia has progress, I believe the progression has slowed due to my discovery of a way to help her continue sewing by using her sense of touch. After discovering how much this helped my mom with improving quality of life, I decided to make it into a kit and offer to others.

    So I started Mitsy Kit, inspired by my mom, with intent to provide hope to others that they too can overcome both physical and cognitive challenges and tap into their creativity.

    Mitsy Kit is a patented tactile sewing system empowers the blind, Sight impaired, memory impaired and others to sew using their sense of touch with pre-cut pieces, tactile guides and an easy to follow process. My mom sews every day, and now 4 years after being diagnosed with dementia, she is still making beautiful quilts.

    We have been working with residential alzheimer programs for over a year now with great results as well, and have recently started no sew quilting bees at memory care facilities.

    I would love to speak with you regarding the possibility of providing an article regarding our Mitsy Kit products in your weekly distribution. You can see more about Mitsy Kit on our facebook page at www.Facebook.com\MitsyKit and our website www.MitsyKit.org. I hope to hear from you. My best, Tammy

  102. Thank you for your magazine! Do you accept article submittals? I am a writer and a caregiver for my dementia afflicted Mom.

    1. Hi,

      The best way to submit an article, as well as to have it read by some of our subscribers, is to get the word out with our "POSTS" or "COMMUNITY" pages. Go to FaceBook.com/AlzheimersWeekly, click POST or COMMUNITY in the left column, and post your article to our community. Wish you much success.

  103. Alzheimer's is not a normal part of aging. The greatest known risk factor is increasing age, and the majority of people with Alzheimer's are 65 and older. But Alzheimer's is not just a disease of old age. Approximately 200,000 Americans under the age of 65 have younger-onset Alzheimer’s disease. To learn more please visit our site. Alzheimer's treatment

  104. My 70 year old brother has been diagnosed with early stage dementia. He is struggling with denial of this fact. Is there a book/video/YouTube/documentary that a dementia person can read to describe the Dementia condition and inform them of the journey ahead of them?

  105. Check out our website quietmindfdn.org and tell him to think in terms of reversing dementia not accepting fate.

  106. Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia. It is the most common form of dementia. Dementia is a term used to describe memory loss and loss of other intellectual capabilities, like reasoning and thinking, that is severe enough to cause problems in daily life. Alzheimer’s disease is named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer, who discovered the disease in 1906. Best Alzheimer's treatment

  107. Can We Cure Dementia, Vascular Dementia and Alzheimer's disease?
    It’s our pleasure to invite all the participants from all over the world to attend the 11th International Conference on Vascular Dementia which is held during February 15-16, 2019 Amsterdam| Netherlands.
    Vascular Dementia conference will assemble illustrious speakers, Researchers, Nobel laureates, Neurologists, and Psychiatry researchers from both academic and health care professionals will join this event to discuss their views and research. The Neurology event will be organized by world neurology and Neurology experts for conducting symposiums, B2B meetings, and workshops will also be conducted on the field of Vascular Dementia, Alzheimer's disease and Aging.
    This educational activity will be accredited with CME and CPD Credits.

    International SUPPORTED Journals:

    1. Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism
    2. Journal of Neurological Disorders
    3. Brain Disorders & Therapy

    Website: https://vasculardementia.conferenceseries.com/
    Direct Call: +44 203-936-3178

  108. Hi Peter,

    I hope you're well. I run a small PR company and I am currently working with a lady called Tracy Gough. Tracy is a registered nurse and has worked with dementia patients for many years. She has recently become the author of a new book aimed at helping carers through their own dementia journey and she has also recently set up a counselling service to provide support to carers. I have a press release and some details on her new book which I could send across to you if you think this maybe of interest to your readers. Please feel free to email me on the address below for further details.

    Kind regards
    Lorna McCann

  109. can't find an email for you anywhere on this site, Peter! I read a recent story here about an Alzheimer's study and I wanted to email you links to studies that my client is and has conducted. anyway you can provide me an email? bzeitlinger@fireworksbydesign.com. thanks.

    1. Hi Bob,

      Feel free to post the links here. Can you tell me a little more about the nature of the studies? Thanks much.

  110. Hi Peter,

    I just discovered your blog and wanted to know if Marlena Books could be added to your Books and Technology section?

    Marlena Books is a Canadian startup that makes specialized books for individuals living with dementia for recreation and cognitive engagement. We’re on a mission to get the word out about our books to make sure every Canadian living with dementia has something unique and meaningful under their tree this holiday season. (We also ship to the USA!)

    If there are opportunities for other stories, we’d love to explore it.

    Hannah (hannah [at] marlenabooks [dot] com) & The Marlena Books Team

    Visit our website to place an order or learn more: www.marlenabooks.com

  111. Our latest paper uncovers biases in brief dementia tests that mean that many people with dementia are missed and many people without dementia undergo unnecessary investigations: http://cp.neurology.org/content/early/2018/11/28/CPJ.0000000000000566

    Further information: https://www.decodedementia.com/biases-in-cognitive-tests/

    Dr David Llewellyn
    University of Exeter and Alan Turing Institute

  112. Dear Alzheimer's & Dementia Weekly Blogger,

    Please see the media alert below about a special webinar on January 7 discussing the latest research and advances in the fight against Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Please contact me if you are interested in taking part in the webinar. I can also help arrange for you to speak with any of the panelists listed below for an interview.

    Warm regards,


    Joe Duraes
    Bookmark Design & Media, Inc. (Media and Public Relations for Media Connect)
    Email: JoeDuraes@optonline.net



    WHAT: Webinar discussing the latest research and advances being made in the fight against
    Alzheimer’s and Dementia with a special emphasis on prevention

    WHEN: January 7, 2019, from 10:00-10:50am eastern

    WHO: Four world-renowned physicians, researchers, and advocates working on this critical healthcare issue. The webinar is being hosted by Chuck Stetson, the head of the Stetson Family Foundation. The panelists include:

    • Paola Barbarino, CEO of Alzheimer’s Disease International
    • Professor Miia Kivipelto, lead researcher in the FINGER study, from the Karolinska Institutet, University of Eastern Finland and Imperial College London
    • Dr. Howard Fillit, Chief Science Officer of the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation
    • Dr. Ken Cooper, Founder of the Cooper Clinic


    • The latest research being conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO)
    • Projected findings from the continuation of the FINGER study – now being conducted in the US, Europe, China, and Singapore
    • The Cognitive Vitality Program, Diagnostic Accelerator, and The Cooper Institute’s 8-Point Plan
    • The lack of discussion in the public domain about Alzheimer’s and Dementia
    • Recommended actions to start today to significantly reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s
    • Next steps in the battle

    HOW: To register for the webinar please go to www.globalbetterhealth.com.

    Additional information about advancements in battling Alzheimer’s as well as other key health issues can be found at www.globalbetterhealth.com.

    MEDIA CONTACT: Joe Duraes, joeduraes@optonline.net


  113. My name is Isabelle Richter and I am a Bee Cave, Texas resident, junior at Regents School of Austin, and a long-time Girl Scout in Lakeway-based Troop 1987. I am currently working on my Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest achievement that can be earned (similar to an Eagle Scout).

    Alzheimer’s Program

    For my Gold Award project, I decided to create a reminisce and sensory stimulation program in Lakeway in the memory care area of Legacy Oaks right by Baylor, Scott and White Medical Center. The program is complete with memory kits, multi-sensory activities, and “destination stations” benefiting the Alzheimer’s and dementia residents. I chose this Gold Award Project because my Papa in California was diagnosed two years ago with early-onset Alzheimer’s. I know first-hand how important it is to help a person with Alzheimer’s remain engaged, and there was a need for improvement in this area in our local community. My project will benefit those with memory care needs by providing social stimulation, improving their quality of life, replenishing their spirit, encouraging them to try, and will provide an opportunity for them to build relationships with caregivers while boosting cognitive stimulation and delivering boredom relief.

    Website for Caregivers, Family, Friends

    In addition to the program at Legacy Oaks, I have created a free website called Memory Lane for Alz (www.memorylaneforalz.com) and I wanted to be sure the visitors to Alzheimer's Weekly were aware of it. I created it to help others gain information, support and ideas as caregivers, family and friends of those with memory challenges. The website includes background on my project, pictures and descriptions of the destination stations, and easy, how-to videos for all the activities so they can be replicated by caregivers. The site also includes communication tips, links to wonderful information and organizations for seniors, Alzheimer’s patients and families, and information and language translation on the global impact of Alzheimer’s. Be sure to visit, take a look and refer others to the site!


    I have also created a jpg/flyer I have prepared to publicize Memory Lane for Alzheimer’s. If anyone would like me to send you a copy in an email, please let me know.
    I can be reached at isabellerrichter@gmail.com.


    Isabelle Richter

  114. We are Alerta by Track Patch, a disposable patch that lasts one week and alerts a caregiver if a loved one wanders. It attaches to a loved one’s back with a medical grade adhesive and is quickly forgotten by the wearer. In addition, it is waterproof so the user can take showers and not effect device functionality.

    Studies show that 6 in 10 people with Alzheimer’s dementia will wander. This poses a serious health risk for the individual with Alzheimer’s, and creates stress in the lives of their caregivers.

    Alerta affords caregivers the peace of mind they need by ensuring a loved one is safe, and allows them to reclaim simple comforts like taking showers and cooking without worrying about where their loved ones are.

    We are going to be launching an Indiegogo campaign for Alerta this Friday. We are very interested in partnering with your organization to spread awareness of both Alzheimer’s, and our product. Please do not hesitate to contact us for additional information.

  115. Peter,
    We are in development of a tool for caregivers, friends and family members of those with memory impairment. I'll get right to it. Please take a look at the beta web app at www.kronolo-g.com. If you think this has merit (or not) I'd like to hear from you.

  116. Hi. Who do I contact about a book review? Thanks!

    1. If you want to get the word out now, you are welcome to do so on our "POSTS" box / "COMMUNITY" page on FaceBook.com/AlzheimersWeekly. You can also be back in touch once there are more than 20 customer reviews on Amazon. At that point, we will consider promoting it on the AlzheimersWeekly.com website. Wish you much success.

  117. Dear Friend,

    Please reply if you would like to feature the story below on your blog. Thank you.

    Keith Eldred


    Janet Eldred is a librarian responding to her own early-stage dementia by raising $1 million for her library. She and her husband Keith have a bucket list plan to create a bestseller from Keith's debut novel, donate all the earnings, and share the learnings along the way. Their website with all details is www.thisis.red. Keith has written an article that could be adapted for a blog post, available on this web page: www.thisis.red/13reasons

    Contact: Keith Eldred, red@thisis.red, 814-505-7082, social media @thisisdotred

  118. Have you seen this from Buzzfeed's Goodful? https://www.buzzfeed.com/watch/video/82803 It's a great piece on the Virtual Dementia Tour. There is also a short video with Leeza Gibbons: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nsne9-QZQH4.

  119. Mr. Berg, I see on your site that you publish music about people with Alzheimers. A gentleman I know has written a song, and published an album. It is the most heartfelt song about his mother's struggle with Lewy Body. It was the opening song to our local END ALZ walk. I think it is very worthy of showing on this site as I've seen many others. Please, give it a moment and listen. I have two parents in this fight and it hits the nail on the head. Thanks for any consideration. LOCAL SINGER/SONGWRITER SCOTT GREESON KICKED OFF THE 2019 WALK TO END ALZHEIMERS WITH THIS MOVING TRIBUTE TO HIS MOTHER. THIS SONG EMBODIES THE REALITY OF HOW ALZHEIMER'S HAS AFFECTED HIS MOTHER, AND HOW IT FEELS TO HIM. YOU CAN LISTEN ON THIS LINK BELOW.

    1. Edit to my post, this is the link: https://youtu.be/WxUVQOW3F5A?

    2. Hi Debbie,

      Thanks much for the video link.

      We posted the song on our Facebook page and Twitter feed, at www.Facebook.com/AlzheimersWeekly.

      In addition, I believe a caregiver posted it in the Alzheimer's Weekly Caregiver Community on the Facebook page.

      Contributions like this help Alzheimer's Weekly help our readers. Very much appreciated.

  120. don.potter@sbcglobal.netSun Feb 02, 12:52:00 PM EST

    My wife lives in a memory unit. In my seventh novel, SH-BOOM, the protagonist's wife is diagnosed with Aphasia, which ultimately leads to Alzheimer's. He goes through the pain of learning about and accepting this earth shattering situation and learns how to be her advocate while struggling to still have a life of his own. Reading SH-BOOM may help others going through these dual transitions. The book is available in printed and digital formats. I will be happy to provide a copy of the book for Alzheimer's Weekly to review. Contact me at don.potter@sbcglobal.net.

  121. Peter - Hi - let me introduce myself, Nick Pennington from nearTruro in Cornwall, SW England, and professionally originating from a scientific/R&D/marketing career in energy and renewables, I have now become an author with my on-line book, ‘My Mother Has Alzheimer’s – Am I Going Mad?’ The intention is to go into print later this year. (I attach a picture of the book's cover for you)

    There’s not much written out there from a home-carer’s perspective, something that I find surprising – so, after several years looking after my mother as she has slipped with Alzheimer's and in keeping an ongoing diary, this book hopes to provide advice and tips as well as giving insights to the emotional roller-coaster that we have to take on. It brings together emotion, some pathos and, of course, humour – it’s essential for all concerned, so I have been told.

    In short, if it can help a carer or family member understand what their future path may concern, sort out a problem, allow them to think ahead, or answer an issue, then my job has been done.

    It’s already available on-line on sites like Kindle, Lulu etc , as well as via a web site with a blog page https://mymotherhasalzheimers.com/

    Target customers are carers. associated family and friends, even early-onset patients with dementia or other degenerative diseases – and, surprisingly, there has been interest shown from the professional caring and medical industries.

    If you have interest to offer it to folk in the US as a sale, please let me know and we can take things further - npennington@windstream.net

  122. My company, RAZ Mobility, just launched a new phone for people with memory loss. You can find it here: https://www.razmobility.com/solutions/memory-cellphone/
    It would be great if you could let your readers know about it. Here is the press release: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200220005131/en/RAZ-Mobility-Launches-Picture-Based-Memory-Cell-Phone. Thank you.

  123. Hi there,
    I recently discovered your blog, and wanted to reach out and let you know that we have just launched an Activity & Game Therapy system designed to help people suffering from Dementia, Parkinson's, Stroke, or other cognitive impairment conditions. The system was designed by a gentleman who watched his mother struggle for years in caring for his father who contracted early onset Parkinson's disease. Our system is flexible, modular, and can be customized to suit specific requirements. If you have a moment to spare, you can check it out at www.amindtocare.com.
    We also have a Demonstration Video on our YouTube channel, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aa7ziCDc6yA.

    Please forgive the intrusion if it is not of interest, but we hope that it might be of assistance to people tasked with caring for a loved one and would like to make it available as widely as possible.

    Have a blessed day!

    Georgia Gidney
    A Mind To Care

  124. Hello!

    I am the co-founder of a grassroots non-profit project where we bring art and creativity to the lives of people living with memory loss and older adults in general. We created a bunch of special programs and activities to help folks stay engaged during Covid-19.

    Some of the resources that can be found here:


    And others here:


    Please let me know if you'd like more information to redistribute!

    Thanks for all you do! This is a great blog!

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for the information on these resources. Please check your email for a reply.

  125. Hello,

    We at the Ann Early Intervention Foundation have completed a case report on a particular patient demonstrating early detection of Alzheimer's Disease. We are very interested in working with you for potential publication of the report.

    Please feel free to reach out if any additional information is needed and we hope to make a connection for publication. Thank you and hope you have a good rest of the week.


    John M. Seelig, M.D.

  126. Hello,

    I'm getting in touch with you to present you Scarlett and Clint, our brain game apps adapted for seniors with and without cognitive disorder.

    - Clint for adults : https://www.dynseo.com/en/brain-games-apps/clint-brain-games/
    - Scarlett for elders with cognitive disorders : https://www.dynseo.com/en/brain-games-apps/scarlett-brain-games-for-seniors/

    We really think your readers will be interested in it, as it is a box containing all the handy tools to take care of seniors on the daily.

    We also have a Caregivers’ Toolbox, a useful package for caregivers to use with their elders.
    To read more about it:

    Would this topic interest you?
    We can provide a quality article for your readers !

    Looking forward to a collaboration with you.

    All the best,


  127. Good morning,
    I have been following your Facebook page and website. I work for Clairvoyant Networks, makers of Theora Care remote monitoring technology that keeps caregivers connected with their loved ones with location, activity alerts and communication capability. We are helping a lot of families stay connected with more peace of mind, here is how one of our customer's uses it to stay connected to her son: https://www.theoracare.com/elbas-story. I see you have a technology section on this page and on Amazon and am wondering how we might work together to help spread the word that there is more technology available to help busy caregivers. Many thanks for your time. SIncerely, Melanie Guthrie

  128. Alice Samek BenoitTue Aug 25, 06:19:00 PM EDT

    So sad, but anyone who has looked after a loved one with dementia will know how hard it is physically and mentally. My heart goes out to anyone/everyone affected by Alzheimer/Dementia. A huge shout out to any caregiver doing this alone! I feel your journey. I feel your pain because I've been there. My mom was also diagnosed in her 60s. Feeling absolutely shattered, heartbroken and drained , working with different physicians across the country with little or no improvement. I was exhausted and overwhelmed to look any further. Crying a lot through frustration, anger and despair, But today with the help of Homeocure Worldwide Natural Medicine, my mother is completely healthy and well again. I think we only need more support and sunlight to overcome this dreadful disease. Search for support regardless and don't stop until you get it. With Homeocure Worldwide treatment, there is hope, don't give up! Check out his blog for useful info️; homeocureworldwide.blogspot.com

  129. Good evening all,
    This is Meena, a high school sophomore. I learnt about the Dementia and Alzheimer's only a year ago through a friend of mine. Upon seeing the emotional, physical, and financial toll it takes on the patients and caregivers, I am determined to help as much as I can.

    To start with, after reading several forums of caregivers and newspaper articles, I made an app that may be useful for both the patients and caregivers.


    Unlike many of the Dementia clocks available at Amazon or play store, my app can be personalized. Every screen calls out the name of the patient and their caregiver (son, daughter). The idea is to passively remind them that they are not alone, but are surrounded by loved ones.
    Repeatedly seeing the name of son, daughter, or grandson may give a secure feeling, reducing anxiety.

    It has winding down timers: (1)one timer for a thrice-a-day activity, (2) second timer for once-a-day like TV program or walking time, and (3) one future event. The caregiver needs to enter only once. It repeats itself automatically. Rather than seeing the time, they see how long they have for each activity.

    Every screen has option to call or text the caregiver. Also, it contains a timer to show how long ago they made a call. As the patients often forget they made a call, they may call the caregiver again and again. The timer can remind them.

    Lastly, if they are not at home, it becomes a navigator. Automatically recognizing that they are away from home (based on GPS in phone), it shows their position and their home. A button gives direction, and another provides sms option to caregiver with GPS coordinates of their location prefilled.

    I made this app for my friend. And, I published it in the google play store for others to use. While I realize that clocks and reminders are not the biggest problem they face day-to-day, I sincerely hope this app helps a few at least and reduce their anxiety and burden even for few minutes. There is no better place to post the app's availability than here.

    If found useful, can you please add my app link to your blog on Dementia clocks found here: http://www.alzheimersweekly.com/2014/08/clocks-for-dementia.html

    Thank you

  130. Rodger That : The podcast dedicated to guiding you through the haze of dementia. bit.ly/Rodget_That

    I am the producer for the podcast Rodger That and we would like to have someone from your organization be a guest on our show. Can you please direct me to someone that I can speak to about this?

  131. If you care for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease, you could be eligible for the LEAF study. Researchers at Northwestern University and UCSF are testing a positive emotion-building program. Everyone who enrolls has access to the program -- either immediately or after a waiting period. More information here: http://leafstudy.ucsf.edu


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