

Monday, January 2

What Dementia Hears


TEEPA SNOW presents the other side of dementia like no one else can. Learn what people with dementia hear when you talk, how they process your verbal cues and how to better adjust yourself to their reaction.

Teepa Snow, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA is a nationally acclaimed Alzheimer's and dementia care specialist. With over 30 years of experience, Teepa Snow teaches her students how a person with dementia perceives his/her world and how caregivers can best provide dignity and the best quality of life.

This video is an excerpt of a Teepa Snow seminar called, "Making Visits Valuable", given for the Alzheimer's Support Network.

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  1. Your tips are wonderful. This one is spot on, I am guilty of this TONE and frustration. I love my MOTHER so much, and enjoy her every day, but there is a disconnect at times, and I thought it was her getting bored or something. Now I feel like I can do something different to help us communicate! THANK YOU!

  2. This is both valuable information and hard to watch - especially the tone of the speaker when she uses sarcasm to imply that the frustrated/grieving/desperate carer is not normal for doing things wrong at times.

  3. Your material is so excellent! I am on a limited income and cannot afford the DVDs. I checked our local Alzheimer Association library but they do not have them. How and where can I go to learn more and view your wonderful work?

    1. Check out the section in the guide at the bottom of this page called:

      Care Tips

      Hope this helps.

    2. Seven stages of the disease and depending on what stage the loved one is in, (my wife is in seven after 14 years) and we have to try and reach our loved one differently. Each care provider ( I have 4) is different. Compassion and common sense are two main ways of helping your loved one. Harold Weisberg

  4. very nicely said Harold Weisberg......So sorry your wife has been afflicted with this disease for so long. God bless you

  5. THANK YOU FOR THIS VIDEO - I volunteer with Alzheimer patients and I sure wish families would watch some videos like yours,

    1. Volunteer?!?!!? God bless you with all you need and want. I can't even get family to spend time with Tom. Not friends either,. You are truly an angel. I've tried to get unpaid help for y e a r s, even my church suggests students who want pay. Vast majority of people clearly do not understand the toll this disease takes on carers and their finances. How they miss that information these days is beyond me. Thank you for the service, help, and heart you give!

  6. It would be very helpful if there was an option to view a transcript of the videos.

    1. When you run the video, a little YOUTUBE icon appears. Click it and it takes you to this video on YouTube. There, click on the MORE option under the video. There you will find an option offering a transcript.

    2. I get an amazon site from which to buy DVD s. I'll go straight to youtube now that I know this. Thanks.

    3. Surely sites that aim to help alzheimer's sufferers and their carers should provide information in accessible formats as well as video formats? asking people to navigate their way through a video, then go to youtube and only then maybe find a link to something that may be printable and be able to be kept and looked at by an Alzheimer's sufferer


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