

Thursday, December 31

Contact Alzheimer's & Dementia Weekly

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  1. Hi there,


    It gives me great pleasure to inform you that eMediHealth, trusted health, and medical web portal has shortlisted your blog Alzheimer’s & Dementia Weekly as one of the best ‘Best Alzheimer’s and Dementia Blogs to Follow’.

    We recognize and appreciate your contribution to society and, most importantly, to the people suffering from it or the caregivers. To acknowledge your contributions towards dementia and Alzheimer’s community, we are pleased to inform you that your site is in the list of “Top Alzheimer’s and Dementia Blogs, 2020”.

    The list is live on the website: https://www.emedihealth.com/best-alzheimers-dementia-blogs.html, and please feel free to share it on your website and social media platforms.

    Please feel free to contact me for more details.
    Ishi Arya
    eMediHealth- www.emedihealth.com

  2. Someone needs to screen the comments. The "comment" following "Worried About Alzheimer's? Virtual Memory Screenings are Free" is all about some witchdoctor.

    1. Thanks very much. We just cleaned out the whole site from posts like that one. Much appreciate your letting us know.

  3. Would you be willing to post a story about the Lewy Body Dementia Resource Center which is the only organization for Lewy Body Dementia in New York? We have 5 support groups in New York, including one in Westchester County, the only LIVE Helpline for LBD in the country at 516-218-2026, and a website with over 8,000 resources for caregivers at www.lewybodyresourcecenter.org. For more information, I can be reached at norma@lbdny.org Thank you for your considerion.

  4. I have requested info on possibly advertising or sponsorship package, but no reply yet. Please respond ASAP Thanks.
    Leslie Norins, MD, PhD leslienorinsalzgerm@gmail.com

  5. Hello team at Alzheimer's and Dementia Weekly,
    My name is Clarissa and I'm a project coordinator at UC, Berkeley. I'm reaching out to you all because I'm hoping you might consider sharing the study me and my team are conducting testing in-home assistive technology for caregivers to those with dementia. This study is funded by the NIH and is completely free to participate. participants receive a free Presence Caregiver Research kit which aims to reduce caregiver stress and increase the safety of persons with dementia in their homes. We are closing recruitment for our study on December 15th and I'd be so grateful if you would share our study so we may reach as many people as possible who can benefit from this technology. My lab has been conducting research on caregiver well-being for over a decade and we're committed to improving the lives of caregivers. You can learn more at our study website at https://research.presencefamily.com/

  6. Would you be interested in publishing an article on using music to enhance the comfort level of one living with Alzheimer's.

  7. Hi,

    would like to know more details about the monthly sponsorship packages

  8. I published a picture book for ages 5-105 called "Papa's Changes, Dementia Through a Child's Eyes. It shares how a granddaughter adjusts the activities with her grandfather as his dementia progresses in order to keep their love alive. Backmatter includes caregiving tips.

  9. Do you write guest blog articles? My organization is looking for a guest blogger to write about Alzheimer's awareness.

  10. I have recently found information about Transcranial pulse stimulation (magnetic)(TPS) in neurology for the treatment of Alzheimer’s dementia. The company that has developed a machine is located in Switzerland.
    Lohstampfestrasse 8
    8274 Tägerwilen
    Tel.: +41 71 677 45 45
    Fax: +41 71 677 45 05


    Linkedin Channel Facebook Channel Instagram Channel Twitter Youtube Channel

    Does your staff or members of Alzheimers weekly have any knowledge of the machine that has been approved in the European Union for use in neurological treatment of dementia and Alzheimers patients
    I would appreciate any information you may have on this treatment. Thank you, I may be reached by e-mail at the following address: joefer@aol.com

  11. Al Zheimer's Alphabet
    (Or how to survive a fatal illness…)
    Normandy, 13 September 2021 – Some ten years ago, the wife of the author of this book first showed the signs of Alzheimer's disease. As the illness worsened over the years, despite the difficulties involved, against medical advice and family hostility, he decided to keep her in their home for as long as physically possible.
    "Al Zheimer's Alphabet" is the result of those trials and tribulations, with anecdotes and reflections, occasionally melancholic, sometimes funny, often profound but always lyrical on the meaning of their life together, and at all times related to the disease, such that, as author Malcolm Duff says, it has become a survival kit for anyone facing a fatal illness.
    The book is entitled "Al Zheimer's Alphabet" because when his wife was still capable of speak intelligibly she often split words into their separate syllables, with occasionally droll results. Because after a while, she no longer knew who she or anyone was, forcing him to relearn everything during her illness, from A to Z.
    He has deliberately adopted an unusual mode of publication, with the foreword and introduction available to all free of charge on the “Al Zheimer’s Alphabet” website. In Charles Dickens' style thereafter, subscribers have access to the four chapters published each month on the website for one year after the launch of the book, providing readers with a concrete but captivating account of life in the slow lane… to light.
    Together they face an enemy that can only be held at bay with the music of laughter and love, through the seven stages of the illness they have crossed and the seven steps to the wisdom the author has found, one that any helper may reach in taking the same path.
    Press contact:
    James Robertson

  12. A Ring for Research
    Mar&Estrelas donates 50% of the profits on the sales of its signet rings to research into Alzheimers disease
    To celebrate the publication of "Al Zheimer's Alphabet", a serial book on the difficulties involved and the love required to keep a patient with the disease in their own home, Mar&Estrelas has great pleasure in donating 50% of the profits on the sales of its signet rings to associations dedicated to Alzheimer's care and support, as well as to medical research in general.
    The logo for the book is based on one of the designs of the High Jewellery signet rings created by Mar&Estrelas, which are made in France by a Living Heritage Company (EPV), member of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC), and certified by Joaillerie de France. The stones come from legitimate sources not involved in the financing of armed conflicts and in accordance with United Nations resolutions.
    To benefit from the offer, associations dedicated to medical research need only register in the "NGO Offer" section of the website marestrelas-rings.com. The association's name is added to the list of beneficiaries of the offer, and can thus be selected from the drop-down menu when one of the rings is purchased. The value of the corresponding donation is automatically indicated.
    In addition, patrons informed by each association of the offer benefit from a 25% discount on the public sales price – without affecting the value of the donation – simply by entering the discount code when they choose the name of the association to which the donation is to be made. The code is sent to each association when it registers.
    Unlike tax-deductible donations, an m&e® signet ring is a lifetime gift for a loved one, a treasure to be cherished for generations to come, and the most elegant way of showing a benefactor’s generosity in favour of Alzheimer's care and support, and medical research in general.
    Press contact:
    James Robertson
    Mobile: +33 (0) 6 74 12 51 10
    Email: marketing@marestrelas.com
    Web: www.marestrelas-rings.com

  13. To celebrate the publication of "Al Zheimer's Alphabet", a serial book on the difficulties involved and the love required to keep a patient with the disease in their own home, Mar&Estrelas has great pleasure in donating 50% of the profits on the sales of its signet rings to associations dedicated to Alzheimer's care and support, as well as to medical research in general.

    The logo for the book is based on one of the designs of the High Jewellery signet rings created by Mar&Estrelas, which are made in France by a Living Heritage Company (EPV), member of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC), and certified by Joaillerie de France. The stones come from legitimate sources not involved in the financing of armed conflicts and in accordance with United Nations resolutions.

    To benefit from the offer, associations dedicated to medical research need only register in the "NGO Offer" section of the website marestrelas-rings.com. The association's name is added to the list of beneficiaries of the offer, and can thus be selected from the drop-down menu when one of the rings is purchased. The value of the corresponding donation is automatically indicated.

    In addition, patrons informed by each association of the offer benefit from a 25% discount on the public sales price – without affecting the value of the donation – simply by entering the discount code when they choose the name of the association to which the donation is to be made. The code is sent to each association when it registers.

    Unlike tax-deductible donations, an m&e® signet ring is a lifetime gift for a loved one, a treasure to be cherished for generations to come, and the most elegant way of showing a benefactor’s generosity in favour of Alzheimer's care and support, and medical research in general.

    Press contact:
    James Robertson
    Email: marketing@marestrelas.com
    Web: www.marestrelas-rings.com


    Mar&Estrelas is a sole proprietorship founded in 2020 by Maristela da Silva in Lisbon, creator of the m&e® brand, whose three values are Beauty, Elegance and Excellence. 100% self-financed, the company's products are certified to comply with the highest French and international quality standards in jewellery.

    Web: www.marestrelas.com

    "Al Zheimer's Alphabet" is a serial book of anecdotes and reflections on the disease, occasionally melancholic, sometimes funny, often profound but always lyrical, forming a survival kit for anyone facing a fatal illness.

    Web: www.al-zheimers-alphabet.com

  14. Thank you for sharing the piece on the Virtual Dementia Tour. I would love for you to share a more current version of it in the future. Here is some information and a couple videos about the VDT that may be useful:



    The Virtual Dementia Tour® (VDT®) is the patented, ground-breaking, and evidence-based method of building a greater understanding of dementia. It is a scientifically proven method that builds sensitivity and awareness in individuals caring for those with dementia by temporarily altering participants’ physical and sensory abilities. The VDT uses patented sensory tools and instruction based on research conducted by P.K. Beville, geriatric specialist and founder of Second Wind Dreams®.

    The VDT enables people to personally experience the physical and cognitive challenges facing those with dementia by “walking in their shoes.” This experience results in better person-centered care. When conducted regularly, the VDT has been shown to decrease psychoactive medication and acute hospitalization for behavioral incidents. The Virtual Dementia Tour offers hope by providing practical ways to create an environment that supports the disease and increase understanding.

    Proceeds from the Virtual Dementia Tour are used to fulfill the mission of Second Wind Dreams to make dreams come true for elders who live in long-term care.

    The Virtual Dementia Tour:
    • Has been experienced by more than 3 million people in 20 countries
    • Is evidence-based and studied across cultures and over time with consistent results across variables and outcomes
    • Has been implemented in over 1,000 healthcare facilities in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and Israel
    • Is used in more than 200 colleges and universities as an adjunct to existing curriculum
    • Meets and exceeds the federal government mandate that requires additional training for every healthcare entity providing care to those with memory impairments.

    Our website is www.econdwind.org

    Melora Jackson
    Virtual Dementia Tour Clinical Manager

    Thank you!

  15. We are writing to invite you to participate in our study on motivation to adopt assistive technology to better communicate with your loved one or a client with dementia. This project is conducted by researchers at the Ohio University (IRB #: 21-X-40) and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (IRB #: 22.084). Anyone who is aged 18 years old and above and currently providing care for loved one with dementia or a client with dementia is welcome to participate.

    Our study involves completion of a survey about your background, caregiving experience and motivation to adopt assistive technology. If you have any questions prior to participating, please contact Dr. Chorong Oh at ohc@ohio.edu.

    Your participation is completely voluntary and will last approximately 20-30 minutes. You can cease participation at any time. All your personal information will be collected and stored anonymously. If you complete the survey, we will provide you with a $5 gift card.

    Here is a link to the survey:

    This link will direct you to information about the study and what it means to consent to participate. This link is uniquely tied to this survey. Your email address will be collected for your obtaining a gift card.

    Thank you for your participation!

    Chorong Oh, Min Sook Park & Yura Lee, PhD.

  16. Hi, 

    I hope you're having a great week so far! 

    I wanted to help raise awareness by sharing this useful article called "Improving Your Brain Health and Quality of Life" - https://tnnfb.com/blog/2022/5/18/neurofeedback-in-tennessee-improving-your-brain-health-and-quality-of-life

    This article explores the benefits of Neurofeedback, its common uses, and potential risks. 

    Could we put it on your blog or article page? If you have any questions, please let me know.

    Thanks in advance!


  17. Hello there. Your blog is quite impressive. I'm reaching out because I wondered if you'd be interested in:
    -a guest blog post
    -a free book to review for your blog (made for caregivers)
    -a sponsorship
    Or some other way to partner together.

    I create materials for caregivers and those with Alzheimers and Dementia. Please reach out if you're interested at krisdkrisd (at) gmail (dot) com. Thank you and talk soon.

  18. I wanted to make you aware of my new book - Conversations Across America: A Father and Son, Alzheimer's, and 300 Conversations Along the TransAmerica Bike Trail - that could be helpful and inspiring to your readers. The story was recently featured in the Houston Chronicle:


    I also spoke about it at TEDx UC Davis last April on the theme of Metamorphosis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14GnvM9npes. Please let me know how I can help. Thank you.


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