

Monday, April 20

Bill Gates On His Alzheimer's Mission


One of the world’s richest people is devoting his resources to finding a cure to Alzheimer's. Bill Gates said his $100,000,000 donation last year is just the beginning. See Alzheimer's Advocate Maria Shriver interview Mr. Gates on the TODAY SHOW.


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  1. Did you neab 1000,000,000. To many "0"

  2. You're right. Corrected. Much appreciate it.

  3. My wife passed away April 10 this year after coming down with dementia and then Alzheimer's. I had her on four different trials during the 15 years of her disease. She had 24/7 care at home with our head care provider having 27 years working with patients and the disease. To keep her from going into the embryo stage she received acupuncture twice a week. Also physical therapy twice a week and massage therapy twice a week. The Detroit Free Press wrote a front page plus story on Valentines day 2013 about unconditional love. We were in Maria Shriver's four one hour shows on HBO about Alzheimer's. Two things we can't teach care providers. Common sense and compassion. If I had to do it over again I would marry the same woman.

  4. Alzheimer's is such a horrible disease! My mom just passed away in June after I took care of her for 12 years. I thank Mr. Gates for all the help he can give. We need to find a cure for it!


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