One artificially-sweetened drink a day could double risk of stroke or dementia. Americans drink 3 billion gallons of diet beverages a year. See CBS Dr. Tara Narula discuss the brain-effects of diet drinks; subsequent research reinforces her discussion.
- CBS This Morning
These studies should be banned. Bring on a study that shows a definitive cause. This does not. Therefore it is useless and a waste of money. People that have junk food, candy, tons of sugar turn to a diet soda just to fool themselves into thinking they are improving themselves. Then it is the diet soda's fault. Put the blame where it belongs. A diet based on sugar and high carbohydrate foods. A food industry that created this. And a government that subsidizes this diet. The top 5 foods subsidized in the US: Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Rice, and Beer.