

Thursday, June 16

While He Still Knows Who I Am


When my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, I was determined he would not forget me ... or I him. This is a grand tribute to all who are living with and dealing with Alzheimer's disease.

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  1. I cry everytime I see this video. If you change the gender and relation it tears me up because my wife has FTD.

    1. "Nancy With The Laughing Face"Thu Jun 22, 10:41:00 AM EDT

      This song says it all......my Father died almost 10 years ago after a 12 year battle with Alzheimers. My 67 year old sister has FTD and I try every single day to find a Clinical Trial or help raise awareness of this dreadful disease that has taken our loved ones from us sooner than it should. We need to find a cure.....desperately.....so that more people are not robbed of their years too soon...before we're all ready to let them go.....

  2. My father passed away a year ago. My mother has Alzheimers. She lives with us now. Some days she knows me... crying, This is such a moving and touching song. Thanks

  3. Just brought dad to live with us. He's in moderate stages of dementia. No one was taking care of him back in Florida!

  4. My mother died of Alzheimer's 2 years ago after a twelve year battle. I wouldn't wish this disease on my worst enemy. My mother-in-law also has dementia, not certain that it is Alzheimer's but it is robbing her from us too. So glad you are seeing them as much as you can. My prayers are with you and your family.

  5. WOW, this video hits close, as we age our brain ages, I am doing all I can to keep this from happening to me, and my family with a new brain supplement that repairs the Tau protein in our brain. So devastating not only to the person but the whole family. Praying for a cure.

    1. Joa, what supplement would that be? We all would like to know, please.

  6. loved this video my mum has alzimers I visit her every day kiss her cuddle her tell her I love her feed her what more can I do I come home and break down its tearing me appart this has been going on the last 10 years at first I couldn,t and wouldn,t accept it I pray every day to the lord to wrap his arms around my mum and comfort her I,m broken

  7. This song is so moving. I have been in tears listening to every word. My mam has been diagnosed with dementia and is now in a care home. Its really hard to see her in there and leaving her after my visits. She always gets a big hug when i see her. Love her so much. X

  8. Lost my mama to Alzheimer's, but we were blessed to have her share our home for the last years of her life and we made many memories to carry us through the lost moments, until we see her again. Thank you for the beautiful song..

  9. My husband has had this terrible disease for several years. I am his sole caregiver. I wish this video could be available for all friends and family members.

  10. Beautiful song! Both my parents have dementia and live in a wonderful assisted living facility close to my husband and me. More adult children whose parent(s) have dementia should take the time to visit their parents.

  11. Amazing thank you for sharing..this reduced me to tears it was so sad to see another loving family going through this terrible time but wonderful to see his father still had a sense of mischief and fun even tho i was crying it made me smile ..i also have dementia and i hope my children can also remember our happy times through the illness and not just me being ill.. i think its lovely for the family to have this reminder for the years to come.

  12. My Dad has Alzheimer. I am his FT caregiver as his wife of 35 years left about 9 months ago. I am honored to care for the man who never once stopped caring for me. He raised me and my two sisters by himself since I was 2. We worked together for 9 years and he was my confidant and friend. His memory some days is only 3-5 min. long. Anyway, thank for a beautiful song that I can carry with me each day.

  13. My partner has had dementia for the past year and a half of our sixty-one year relationship. I've recently become aware (don't know why I didn't learn earlier) that death is the only end. What specifically does one die FROM? Inability or forgetting how to eat, breath . . .?


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