

Friday, June 17

When You Were Superman


Watch this uplifting-yet-real, brilliantly-animated music video about a child's heroic relationship with his parent with dementia.

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  1. This is a wonder tribute to people with Alzheimers. I'm taking care of my 87 year old husband who has Alzheimers as well as a number of other problems. It's not easy.
    Thank you! Thank you!

  2. My husband is 65 years old and was diagnosed when he was 59. I know to our kids he was their superman. What a loving tribute!

  3. Really sweet tribute. My husband is 56, dying of Lewy Body plus...he's always been my hero, my superman. Now, I'm trying to return the caring, care. Read, learn more. Https://www.gofundme.com/leveledbylewybody


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