

Wednesday, July 16

"Alive Inside" Opens Today


The help-dementia-with-music movie, "Alive Inside", opens today at the Maine International Film Festival. See Bill Newcott interview the makers of the film to get the story behind it. Watch new highlights from the movie.

The new documentary "Alive Inside" tells the story of social worker Dan Cohen's crusade to help Alzheimer's patients reclaim their most precious musical memories, thanks to IPods programmed with songs from their youth.

He and director Michael Rossato-Bennett sat down with "Movies for Grownups" host Bill Newcott to talk about the film and share some of its most moving moments.

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  1. We have the Music and Memory program at our facilities and we have seen remarkable results. What an amazing gift!

  2. Bravo! Thank you for humanizing the stories of musical success for our friends with Dementia. As a 14 year professional, specializing in Dementia programming and operations, I too, can personally attest to the immense power of music within this population. It's typically a 'go-to' idea and never fails. But, my favorite QUOTE from Michael, during this clip was: " we need to make a place for things you can't sell." YES! YES! I've had millions of moments of greatness, during my career, courtesy of all the amazing things still possible deep inside the hearts and souls of my friends with Dementia. Just like Alive Inside implies - we need to HONOR all the remaining CAPABILITIES inside our friends, instead of only focussing on what has been lost. No Drug Company can compete with the power of what, kindness, caring and respect - can do, for those with Dementia. And....MUSIC!! Brilliant!


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