

Sunday, March 2

A Congressman and a Comedian Take Alzheimer's to Washington, D.C.

Former Congressman Dennis Moore and funnyman Seth Rogen gave Capitol Hill a brilliant presentation on the state of Alzheimer's today. Watch this engaging presentation to the Senate Appropriations Committee. It will make you cry, laugh and want to take a stand.

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  1. Seth spoke so well! Thank you for all your support!

  2. all types of Alzheimer should be researched more and more, Brother-in-law had Lewis Body, he was one of 12 children,his father and 5 other siblings had or have some type of dementia, would have thought that family would have been researched to some extent.

  3. Yes, the disease are very aweful specially to the patients if we met them or as a caregiver or whatever, not only Alzheimer but also cases with Diabetes or with other diseases... try to extend our hands by getting involve with the charity programs world wide. Thank you so much for your time and volunteering of assisting to every patient suffering nation wide. God bless you always

  4. Thank you so much for you great help to charity programs... God bless you always

  5. My wife has Vascular Demenchia and at times has for got me but when you can't find your way in your own house, write or feed ^ dress yourslf. Thanks Seth for champing this. The closest support groups to were we live is almost 60 miles away we are living on My wifes Disabilty while i care for Her full time, yes there is more that needs to be done.


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