

Sunday, January 22

Hearing Aids May Delay Cognitive Decline


RESEARCHERS in Australia found most people who used hearing aids significantly improved the ability to plan, organize information and initiate tasks. FURTHER STUDIES found cognitive impairment, such as memory problems, begins in early stages of hearing loss -- when hearing may still feel normal. Learn what you can do to spot and prevent it.

Oral Health for Older Adults

A GREAT DENTAL resource provides low-cost programs for American seniors. Also check out the website's free “how to” guide for communities.

Friday, January 20

Fooling the Doctor: Cognitive-Reserve Hides Alzheimer's


Don Hayen is a retired doctor, diagnosed with Alzheimer's at 71. But that diagnosis took way too long. Find out how his "cognitive reserve" fooled his doctors. See why he sure wished it hadn't.

Green Tea Molecules Break Up Alzheimer's Tau Tangles


A molecule found in green tea helped UCLA biochemists discover several molecules that can destroy tau fiber. Learn more.

Thursday, January 19

How David Lives with Alzheimer's to the Fullest


Over the years, this video has lifted thousands with Alzheimer's. David Gary Quinton speaks candidly about his life with dementia. See how he and his wife stay upbeat and prepare for changes ahead. Hear Quinton talk passionately about his decision to maximize life and live it to the fullest.

A Good Night's Sleep Clears Alzheimer's Tau

SLEEP: A research study finds when young healthy men had a full, uninterrupted night of rest, their blood levels showed a reduced level of tau, the biomarker for Alzheimer’s disease. The level was higher when they lost just one night of sleep. Learn more.

Wednesday, January 18

Husband Builds Sixties Style Living Room for Wife with Alzheimer’s


A room in a hospital ward that cares for Alzheimer’s patients was converted into a 1960’s style living room by a loving husband who wanted to comfort his wife.

Olive Oil & Lettuce Protect Brain from Vascular Dementia

DIET & NUTRITION: A diet that combines unsaturated fats with nitrite-rich vegetables, such as olive oil and lettuce, can protect you from hypertension and vascular dementia. Learn which foods are helpful and why.

Tuesday, January 17

China Approves Seaweed Sugar as Alzheimer's Drug


Chinese researchers are now using seaweed sugar to tackle Alzheimer’s. Read on to learn how Oligomannate, the first treatment approved for the disease since 2003, improves cognitive function in mild to moderate Alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's Mealtime: Eat Together to Eat Well


With dementia, it's not just what you eat - it's also how and where! Learn more...

Monday, January 16

Diagnosing Lewy Body Dementia is Tricky But Vital

Doctor with patient
DIAGNOSIS: 50% of people with Lewy Body Dementia said they were originally misdiagnosed with a type of dementia such as Alzheimer's. Find out how LBD is exquisitely sensitive to certain medications, and why an early, accurate diagnosis is critical.

10 Insights into Duty, Burden & Alzheimer's Caregiving


Is caregiving an honor or a burden? A great call-of-duty or a heavy sense of obligation? Does it really matter? See research into Latino culture provide 10 inspirational answers.

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